
1. **清热解毒**:忍冬藤具有显著的清热解毒作用,适用于治疗温病发热、热毒血痢、传染性肝炎等疾病。其可以清热凉血,对于热毒引起的症状有很好的缓解作用。

2. **疏风通络**:忍冬藤可以疏风散热,通络止痛,对于风湿性关节炎、筋骨疼痛等病症有独特疗效。


3. **消肿散结**:忍冬藤有良好的消肿散结作用,适用于治疗无名肿痛、痈肿疮毒等症状。


4. **抗菌消炎**:忍冬藤具有抗菌消炎的作用,能够抑制细菌生长,对伤寒细菌等也有一定的控制作用。

5. **治疗肝炎**:忍冬藤对于传染性肝炎有一定的治疗作用,能够减轻或消除病情。

6. **其他功效**:
– **治疗风湿热痹**:对于关节红、肿、热、痛等症状有缓解作用。
– **治疗药疹**:煎取忍冬藤的药液外用,可以治疗药疹。
– **治疗湿疹**:忍冬藤煮水后给宝宝泡澡,可以治疗湿疹。

– **内服**:煎汤内服,通常用量为100-150克,煎煮20-30分钟。
– **外用**:煎取药液外用,可用于治疗药疹、湿疹等。




1. **独特价值**:金丝楠木位居中国四大名木之首,具有“水不能浸,蚁不能穴”的特性,质地坚硬、千年不腐,且散发出幽香,自古以来被皇家垄断,用于制作贵族家具、摆件和建筑。


2. **稳定性**:金丝楠木的木性稳定,木质紧密,不易变形,很少翘裂,这使得金丝楠木家具在长期使用中依然保持良好的形态。

3. **耐腐蚀性**:由于其独特的木质结构,金丝楠木具有很强的耐腐蚀性,即使在地下也能长时间保存。

4. **防虫性**:金丝楠木的木质内含有独特的香味,这种香味具有驱散蚊虫的作用,因此金丝楠木家具具有很强的防虫性。


5. **药用价值**:金丝楠木的香味有助于睡眠,可提高睡眠质量,延年益寿。此外,其香味还有醒脾祛湿、强肾固本的功效,可以舒筋活络、安神静气。

6. **美观与艺术价值**:金丝楠木纹理顺直精美,有金丝状纹理,色泽如金,具有天然的美感和艺术价值。

7. **文化价值**:金丝楠木自古以来就是皇室的御用之材,用于制作宫殿、家具等,具有深厚的文化内涵和历史价值。

8. **收藏价值**:金丝楠木因其稀有性和历史价值,成为收藏家眼中的珍品,具有很高的收藏价值。



1. **调和阴阳,温阳补肾**:肾宝合剂具有调和人体阴阳平衡,温阳补肾的功效,适用于肾阳不足引起的各种症状。

2. **扶正固本**:能够增强人体的正气,提高免疫力,有助于巩固和恢复身体的基本功能。

3. **治疗肾虚相关症状**:主要用于治疗腰膝酸软、少气懒言、畏寒、肢冷、小便清长等症状,尤其对男性阳痿、早泄和女性月经量多或经闭有显著疗效。

4. **改善女性月经问题**:对于月经量多、白带清稀且绵绵不绝的女性,肾宝合剂有助于调节月经和白带。

5. **增强体质,抗衰延年**:通过温补肾阳,提高人体的抗病能力,有助于延缓衰老。


6. **成分多样,药效全面**:肾宝合剂由蛇床子、川芎、红参、枸杞、山药、五味子等多种药材组成,这些药材各具特色,共同发挥药效。

7. **注意事项**:孕妇、儿童禁用;脾胃虚弱、呕吐泄泻、腹胀便溏、咳嗽痰多者慎用;感冒病人不宜服用;高血压、糖尿病患者应在医师指导下服用;不宜与藜芦、五灵脂、皂荚或其制剂同服;服药期间忌油腻、生冷、寒凉食物。

8. **服用方法**:通常为口服,一次10~20毫升,一日3次,饭前服用。

9. **安全性**:虽然目前尚不明确肾宝合剂的不良反应,但按照说明书和医生指导合理使用,通常可以安全有效。



1. **补肾壮阳**:野韭菜被誉为“起阳草”,具有补肾壮阳的功效,对于男性性功能减退、阳痿早泄等有很好的缓解作用。


2. **益肝健胃**:野韭菜含有天然挥发性精油,可以疏肝和胃,增加食欲,对于消化不良有很好的调理作用。

3. **活血止痛**:野韭菜具有活血止痛的特性,可用于跌打损伤的治疗,外敷新鲜的野韭菜捣碎物可以缓解因跌打损伤引起的肿痛。

4. **润肠通便**:野韭菜含有丰富的植物纤维和粗纤维,能加快胃肠运动,促进大便生成与排出,有助于缓解便秘,降低肠癌发生概率。


5. **温中下气**:野韭菜可以温中下气,对于胃虚寒、心烦、噎嗝反胃等症状有良好的治疗效果。

6. **散血解毒**:野韭菜具有散血解毒的作用,对腰膝酸软、痛经、痢疾、脱肛、毛发脱落等症有治疗作用。

7. **祛风止痒**:野韭菜可用于治疗荨麻疹、牛皮癣等皮肤瘙痒症状。

8. **调节脏腑**:野韭菜可以调整脏腑功能,对多种脏腑疾病有调节作用。

9. **降逆**:野韭菜有降逆的功效,对于胃气上逆、恶心呕吐等症状有一定的缓解作用。



It didn’t take long for Ah San to come back, but this time, those trembling Ah San even pushed a woman to come together. When I looked closely, I found that those Ah San pushed the young woman I had seen before who had never been well liked by them.

The group of Ah San stopped at a place ten meters away from me. The old man with scar face saw that I was holding a dagger and looked bad, while his son was lying motionless on the ground. He didn’t rush to check the situation and found that his son was fainted and didn’t become warped. This just called the people to pull their arms and legs and carry it back to the young Indian woman to flow.
"I don’t want the money. Take your woman back." No one spoke until the group of Ah San walked out of the distance. I didn’t come here for nothing. What happened was the feeling be nasty and hurriedly shouted.
Who knows, it’s a good thing that I didn’t shout, but as soon as I shouted, I scared those three guys and ran away in the blink of an eye and disappeared.
The dramatic scene completely confused me, and there was an idea in my mind, that is, why are Indian women so cheap? Three hundred dollars for one?
After a long pause, I finally recovered. It seems that I patted my chest pocket to ask for money, which made the old man misunderstand. I want to ask her for a woman’s wry smile, then I turned and waved at the woman and pointed to the mountain village to let her go back. I came to India to look for the killer of the white wolf, not to ask for flowers. What is it to get a woman to lead first?
Who knows, this woman shook her head after seeing me gesture, and said something, but she didn’t turn around and go back like an Amnesty.
This sentence by a woman suddenly raised doubts in my heart. I turned my head and stared at her. What did this woman mean by that sentence just now? I’m not white, but I’m sure the pronunciation is Japanese. After all, I watched anti-Japanese movies for five years in the army. Although this woman’s skin is whiter than those of Ah San and her facial features are more delicate, she is definitely of Indian descent. How can she speak Japanese?
When a woman sees my doubts and watches her switch to another language, if I hear correctly, it should be Korean. If I was confused before, it is absolutely shocking now. How can there be poor people who know two foreign languages in this slum?
"Are you from China, sir?" The young woman finally spoke a sentence that I understood, although the pronunciation was not very accurate, but it was definitely not the clumsiness of parroting. It was obvious that she should have studied the China language systematically.
"How do you know so many languages?" I admitted my nationality. The fact that this woman can speak four languages shows that she will never be poor. You know, people who can speak four languages are rare even in the top society.
"My name is Kaul Villa and I can speak English." A young Indian woman came up to me with her purse in her hand.
"koala?" I wonder why the Indian name is so awkward.
Koala is a arboreal animal. My name is Kaul Villa, which means Moon Beauty.
"Go back to your moon, I still have things to do." I stretched out my hand and pointed to the mountain village and turned my head to pick up potatoes scattered on the ground. Although I was curious about this woman who can speak five languages, I was very dissatisfied with her guessing Japan, South Korea and China before guessing. This is the border between China and India. She should guess China first.
"Where are you going, sir?" Kaul Villa squatted down to help me pick up the potatoes.
"South" I raise my hand and point south.
"Sir, can you take me with you?" Koala is anxious. The Indian name is too awkward, or koala calls her easy.
I didn’t lift my head. I risked my life to come to India not to learn from Lei Feng. I have to find that guy as soon as possible, kill him and return to China as soon as possible. I don’t care what will happen to Indian women who speak five languages. "Mr. Wang wants you to take me out of here, and I will ask my friends to give you a lot of money." Koala is getting more and more anxious.
"How much will it cost me?" I couldn’t help laughing that this Indian woman tried to bribe a billionaire with a net worth of hundreds of millions.
"Many, many can not work for many years." Koala saw that my attitude had changed and I changed my mind.
"I’m not looking for a job, I’m looking for someone." I got up with a potato in my arms.
"Take me out and I’ll help you find your friend. You need an interpreter." Koala reached out and grabbed me.
Koala’s words made me hesitate because I really need an interpreter. Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to communicate with Indians. Since the Taoist priest who watched the stars and watched the sword came to India with an Indian passport, it would naturally not live in the wilderness. Once I went to the city to find an interpreter, it would be much more convenient. Besides, the leather bag in Koala’s hand made me doubt her identity, and one of her leather bags was made in Italy, which was really expensive, but it was not its value that made me wonder that this leather bag was new last year, which means that it was not long when she fell here.
"It’s less than 200 kilometers from here. Why don’t you go by yourself?" I asked, at the moment, my level of observing qi has been restored to seventeen, and judging the distance is no longer a problem.
"There are wild animals in the mountains," koala said unafraid.
"Then take you, but we have to take a bath before we go …"
Chapter 322 Women’s Suit
Koala obviously misunderstood me, otherwise she would nod her head and not blush at the same time.
In fact, the reason why I let them go after taking a shower is that they are both stinking now. It is no exaggeration to say that although I have long hair and messy body and sweaty body, I can bear it myself, and the koala’s sour body has reached the point where I can bear it. It is conceivable that I am wrapped in a thick bed in summer.
Before I left, I ran back to other people’s potato fields to dig, and those three naturally dared not come out to drive me away again. India is a superstitious country, and my previous show has already caused great shock in their hearts. I have long regarded me as a monster, but I don’t understand their language, otherwise they would have to run out to help me dig.
The two men left the village and looked south. I found another water source according to the water vapor, picked up dead branches by the stream, lit a bonfire and stewed potatoes.
"Go, the water here is not dirty." I turned my back. I worked hard to take her to find another water source because the stream next to the village was too small for people to bathe. The most important thing is that I don’t want Sam to wash his ass to bathe.
"Are there any large aquatic vertebrates in it?" There is a koala sound in the distance.
"Wash quickly" Koala’s Chinese made me frown slightly. She was probably afraid that something in the water would bite her.
Koala saw that my voice was impatient and didn’t dare to be too stubborn. After a while, there came a undressing sound behind him, followed by the water.
To be fair, the temptation of being a normal man still makes my mind twitch, and I can’t help but imagine what a whirling picture is in the stream not far behind me. However, after a while, it was diluted by the appearance of Bai Jiuyu and Wang Yanpei. Bai Jiuyu’s elegant and elegant city, Wang Yanpei’s noble and delicate choice is a hundred times better than that of the sour Indian woman behind him, but even so, the intermittent water behind me still makes me get up and go out to pick up dead branches, stew and steam potatoes, myself and koala in the future.
Because of fear, the koala quickly came back from the shower and dressed.
"Ah," the koala is now dressed up, which surprises me. After bathing, koala is wearing a clean and tidy women’s professional suit instead of the pile of broken sheets. The suit is wrinkled and shriveled, and the bag says that this suit has been put in the bag she is carrying all the time.
"What the hell are you doing?" I wonder when koala changes clothes after bathing. Where does she still have the image of a dusty peasant woman? She is a capable and elegant gold collar.
The koala sat by the fire with her hair in her hands.
"How did you get there?" My eyes are fixed on the suit worn by koala. The dark blue wool of the suit should be autumn and winter clothes.
"Travel and friends separated" koala looked up at me.
"Add firewood and don’t let the fire go out." Koala’s hair is no longer sour, but a kind of woman’s fragrance, which makes me unwilling and afraid to smell more, so I got up and headed for the stream.
In summer, the temperature is high, and the stream is not cold. Earlier, when I climbed over the minefield, my chest and abdomen were abraded. At this time, my leg was healed and my leg injury was not serious, so I really took a good bath before climbing out of the water.
Although the clothes are still so shabby, I am most happy that I am clean. I just saw my breath again in the shower and found that my aura has recovered to the edge of purple. According to the rotation of aura, I can recover to the peak of purple once I break through the purple horse. It’s really the end of the day. I’m in a good mood, humming a tune and going to the fire to dry my dripping hair.
"Which city are you going to in India?" Koala added firewood to the fire and asked
"I don’t know," I shook my head and answered, "God knows where the Taoist priest of the royal sword hid after he got the star-gazing hermetic."
"Do you have anything to say to your friend?" Koala asked
"Who told you I was looking for a friend?" I cold hum said
"You were caught by the police without a certificate because you were going to be repatriated." Lamian Noodles was worried.
The koala’s troubles have greatly changed my impression of her, which means that she really wanted to help me, otherwise she wouldn’t be worried that I would be sent back, but I don’t want to talk to strangers about my trip, and the topic changed. "Do you Indian police also call the police?"
Koala nodded and said nothing, looking at the fire thoughtfully.

And by the time he returned to the virtual realm, he had been there for ten years!

When he was in Yuanying, Su Mo not only had to practice, but also had to constantly nurture the violet.
Now, the natural violet has disappeared, leaving a bare lotus and 54 violets, which no longer need the birth of the Yuan God.
As a result, Su Moxiu’s speed has soared!
Secondly, when he was in Yuanying’s territory, he was the top achievement method of uniting the immortal Buddha.
And in the virtual realm, he cultivated the three top achievement methods of Xian buddha magic!
The magic door achievement method still comes from a magic door half-ancestor
Among them, there is no need for Su Mo to understand what he learned in the Taoist Heart-Planting Magic Sutra.
The memory of devouring the magic door and half ancestors is like an awakening. Generally, he can directly understand the essence of this magic skill!
In this way, in the past ten years, he has already cultivated to the peak of returning to the virtual realm!
Stay in this realm for a month.
Su Mo faintly felt the bottleneck.
I’m afraid it will take another decade or so to continue practicing at the bottom of the buried dragon valley, but I may not be able to break through this bottleneck.
What’s more, he’s still thinking, and now he’s back in the North, just to see some old friends in the North.
After the sad old monk said goodbye to the red hair ghost, Su Mo left the Buried Dragon Valley and headed for the King City of Zhou Dynasty.
This time, when he returns to the North, he doesn’t have to hide.
The first world war had a great impact.
Later, the Emperor’s half-ancestor was seriously injured and mixed with Yuan Zong’s great ability to fall, and several super clans were able to fail and bury the Dragon Valley, which had a greater impact on the whole fix-true world!
At present, no clan dares to target him under the banner of killing aliens.
There is no way that you can fit in well and dare to cross the boundary and rush to him!
Except the same order killing.
Of course, in the eyes of many monks, Sumo has fallen from the altar.
Without god, burn bones, lose flesh, lose nature, violet and sumo are not even arrogant in the eyes of group repair!
Even if I can come back alive, I will be worthless to the public.
At this time, no one has realized that the Uber who once made Tianjiao tremble and fear has been reborn!
After entering the territory of Da Zhou, Su Mo was in no hurry to travel all the way to see the great rivers and mountains.
Over the years, Da Zhou’s governance in Ji Yaoxue is better than that in the past, and the people with strong national strength live and work in peace and contentment.
More than 100 years ago, the allied forces of Dashang, Daxia and Dayou invaded Dazhou and were buried in the Cang Lang Mountains by Sumo.
After this campaign, Zhou Guoyun was already strong!
Su Mo’s heart is also happy with Ji Yaoxue
The fate of the two is not shallow, but they are not on the same road after all.
Ji Yao naturally wants to create a strong dynasty and usher in a peaceful and prosperous world on Sunday.
Su Mo, on the other hand, should constantly practice and pursue the footsteps of chasing butterflies and moons on the illusory avenue!


"none left"
"I’m ordered not to leave anyone alive."
Several aquarium gods roared and jumped on both sides of the strait.
Terran number The water gods in the river rebelled one after another, carrying an army to attack all the clans. The Terran was in an instant chaos. This water god killed everywhere and did great harm. Nine gates had to be distracted, and he worked together to put down the rebellion.
"Self-eating" Jade Duxiu was set in front of the altar. Looking at the high-hanging gods in the eyes of the gods list, the four seas dragons colluded with each other to obtain the position of Tianshui God. This natural position of water god was mastered by the four seas dragons, and the ambition of the four seas dragons was not small. It was constantly devouring the nine big door forces. This water god has been completely controlled by the four seas dragons unconsciously.
Jade Duxiu saw at first glance that the rivers and rivers were flooded, and several state capitals were instantly hit by disasters. I don’t know how many mortals died in the rivers.
The outbreak of rivers and the incessant rain in the sky have fueled the dragon’s arrogance
"Watching the fun actually leads the wolf into the room. Oh, my God. This time, the ancestors of SIRS will really spare you." Jade Duxiu reveals a little sneer at her mouth.
The rebellion of the Shui nationality has been turbulent, and the number of ordinary people has died. Can the monks kill them?
"bang!" The cup in the hand of Taizhang teaches instant dust. "The Four Seas Dragon, if you dare to harm our Terran foundation, you must die."
"The Four Seas Dragon is really hateful, and this matter must not be tolerated. I am ordered to kill all the aquatic animals who are too chaotic. Please ask the elders of the quasi-fairy to kill the disaster quickly." Tai Zhang taught a gift to a quasi-fairy.
The quasi-fairy nodded and disappeared in the clouds.
"The water god is not so good at killing one side. The water god has been integrated into the river, and it is extremely difficult for even the quasi-fairy to find the source of the water god in the river." Taidou Zhangjiao touched the bar. "But there is no good way to ask the quasi-fairy predecessors to suppress the aquarium gods for the time being."
"This matter can go to the altar to seal the gods, please show your hand and show your hand. Holding the whip of God can press the gods of the heavens." It’s too easy to teach the divine light in the eyes to look at the side of the quasi-immortal bodhi old zu. "Please also ask the bodhi old zu to send someone to suppress the water chaos. This will send someone to Taiping Road to discuss countermeasures."
Jade Duxiu is a brother of Taiping Dao. If you want to make a wonderful contribution, you still need Taiping Dao’s contribution.
Nine gates guard against the wild and suppress the dragon, but they just forget that they have been pardoned and sealed. It can be said that this time, the nine gates suffered heavy losses and several mortals died. The foundation of the nine gates was shaken, and even the fate of the Terran was weakened in an instant, and this reduction continued.
The vast number of water gods in Kyushu, even if the quasi-fairy is well-connected, is difficult to take care of Zhou Chaotian, so it can’t be suppressed.
"This matter also needs to go to the altar of deity and ask Miao Xiu to make moves." A chess piece written by King Taiping Road keeps flowing and gently falls on the chessboard.
"This ….. wonderful show nine big door entanglements, it’s not that you don’t know that it’s a way to destroy hatred. Wonderful show will never help him. He hopes that the Terran nine big doors will be in great trouble." Wang Fayuan sat opposite the king and rubbed his eyebrows.
"Whether it is like this, it depends on Miao Xiu’s meaning. After all, Miao Xiu is in charge of the gods list. At this time, many godfathers are not here to control the gods list. Only Miao Xiu can control the gods list." Wang wrote a chess game
"It’s quite good for her to have a personal relationship with me. This matter can be negotiated by her. After all, the victims include my Taiping Road," Wang Fayuan said.
"Aquarium Rebellion" Ai looked at her hands, and her eyes were full of pitfalls. "The Four Seas Dragon is really a wolf’s ambition. The person in charge is responsible for this mess. If he hadn’t dragged the Four Seas Dragon into the Terran, how could this mess happen now?"
In the domain of dry days, Beppu looked at the intelligence in his hands and turned pale. "The Dragon King of the Four Seas really failed to live up to expectations. This time, I am in big trouble. I am afraid that the ancestors will spare me."
Chapter 1232 The original king calculation
"What happened to my husband?" Xi he looked at dry day eyes flashed a shadow of the sun.
"Oh, come and have a look," said the dry day, handing xi he the charm in his hand. It took xi he a while to read the information in the charm before he said, "The Dragon King of the Four Seas is really crazy to think about completely damaging the Terran foundation and actually launching a devastating blow to the Terran by the water god."
"Now the four seas dragon king moved me to the ground. Isn’t this a direct way to send the handle to the ancestors? When I hooked up with the Four Seas Dragon King, the ancestors of the Four Seas Dragon Rebellion had an excuse to attack me. How could the Four Seas Dragon King be so mindless? Damn it, this is to put me in a state of perdition. "Dry day will crush the glass in his hand.
Xi he let go, and the operator’s eyes flashed a bit of meditation. "Husband, don’t worry about this matter. The demon gods are backed by the wilderness. It should be noted that the water god rebelled, but although the four-seas dragon king reached an agreement to lead the wolf into the house, the water god pardoned the seal, but how can it be blamed for the trading of the four-seas dragon, the great ancestor of Tai Su?"
"That’s so said, but I want to be guilty and resigned. My ancestors have long been dissatisfied with me. I trembled all day long. I didn’t dare to be slightly negligent. I didn’t expect to be pitted by this group of animals from all over the world. It was me who led the wolf into the room first. My ancestors Nai Nai Tai’s ancestors, Tai Su, were bound to vent their anger on me. I became the best scapegoat." Anger rose in the eyes of dry days.
"What are you going to do now?" Xi he looked at dry heaven.
"This matter depends on Miao Xiu, who is in charge of the gods list. Perhaps Miao Xiu has a legal system to stop the disaster of the aquarium." Sitting in the chair slowly in the dry day, it is obviously very angry with the four seas. "No, I have to go personally and I can’t hold the handle for all the godparents."
After that, I saw that the dry day was twinkling and the time was soaring, and it was already in front of the altar.
This deity altar has a godfather who suppresses others from coming, but he will come on a dry day.
"Wonderful show" dry days in the gods list, a pair of eyes looking at Yu Duxiu.
"What are you doing here on a dry day?" Jade Duxiu opened her eyes and sounded indifferent.
On that dry day, I walked slowly to the altar of the gods and came to Yu Duxiu to sit slowly. "I want to make a deal with you."

in half an hour

The injured person received initial medical treatment in the camp health center and was immediately sent to the garrison division hospital by special bus.
military camp
Cocoa rubber band raised his hair and sat on a bench with his head down, fiddling with his mobile phone.
"… Zhang battalion commander greeted HQ over there, and the doctor is ready. We can enter the operating room as soon as we arrive, and it won’t be a problem." Little mourning came over and said.
Cocoa nodded slowly and then suddenly asked, "Your soldiers are on duty in the compound every night, right?"
"Yes," the little mourning nodded.
"Haven’t you found any suspicious people hanging around the periphery before?" Cocoa asked again
"No," the little mourning words answered in detail, "After we came here, we were all on duty all night according to the requirements of the HQ, and we all paid attention to it and found no suspicious personnel."
"Okay, I get it."
Cocoa picked up the phone and dialed Ruan "Hello?"
"Well, Deputy Director Yu!"
"I have something I want to ask you, uh …!" Cocoa got up and lowered his head to communicate with Ruan.
About an hour and a half later
Cocoa battalion commander Zhang stayed in the newly-built camp after chatting and dialed the phone number of Jia Yan, who was in charge of public opinion fermentation in the old triangle area.
After the words were connected for more than ten seconds, Jia Yanyin rang "Hello!"
"Is it convenient for you to talk?" Cocoa asked 1
"It’s convenient. What’s wrong?" Jia Yan asked 1
"I have something here, please help me inquire about someone." Coco said seriously. "Is there a man named Li Fengren in the old triangle?"
Jia Yan frowned and thought, "There is such a person. What’s wrong?"
"Can you find out where he is?" Kekewen
"This man hasn’t appeared near the Mekong River for a year or two. What do you want with him?" Jia Yan asked 1
"… something happened to me here. A ghost was caught. His face was this Feng Li." Coco said vaguely, "I want to find him urgently. Can you help me?"
"I can try," answered Jia Yansi.
"If you can find him, I’ll give it to you before 3 million!" Cocoa gently charged, "it is best to have a message one day."
"All right, I’ll try." Jia Yan immediately took the job.
"Call me if you have news, that’s it." Coco said and hung up the phone.
"Who is Feng Li?" Small loss at cocoa asked
"It’s also an old man around here, and I don’t know him," Coco said in a low voice. "You call Qin Yu and tell him like this …!"
After listening to the little funeral, I was very puzzled and asked, "I can’t say it well. Why don’t you call him yourself?" !”
Cocoa left his mouth. "He just scolded me. I won’t call him. Tell him."

Bang a loud noise, and everyone saw that half Guanghua chaos and colorful Guanghua emerged from the land. The powerful and fiery three swords and awns were easily defeated by this type of scorpion tail wagging. A thousand magic scorpions were cold and snorted, and a flash of magic shadow came to the front of the land. Blow out directly and attack the land.

Lu Li’s eyes were slightly cold, and suddenly the red shadow, the fairy sword and the light of the sword flashed, and the sword rose to the sky, and his fists were punched together. The shadow of Lu Li’s fists came out like tigers flapping sheep, and suddenly a broken fist broke out in the attack force.
Fists together out of the bullying exception such an attack even when Fang Yunhan even had to temporarily avoid sharpness is inferior to the strength of this thousand magic scorpions.
After all, it’s just an unusual way to cope with recklessness in Tiger Boxing. It’s like a broken kite, falling blood and overflowing. In this blow, the strength of the realm was slightly injured
However, although Lu Li-ren retreated from the attack, he continued to transform the soul into a silver light when he fell at a high speed. It was Lu Li who borrowed the backward force to turn his hand and wave out hope to suppress this magic scorpion.
"Magic sound Xiang!"
Thousands of magic scorpions binge drink an Alcatraz magic tactic, and several stunts are displayed!
Even the arrogant Alcatraz master was surprised to see this silver light.
Although the breath contained in this silver light is not to destroy everything, it implies that all Yuan gods are afraid of power, their eyes are wide open and their hands are full of illusions. When they drink violently in their mouths, the magic sound waves will instantly meet the soul charm.
It turns out that this magic sound wave can stop the soul-killing symbol, and the scorpion never expected that this soul-killing symbol belongs to a very special energy body. Relatively speaking, the magic sound wave is not on the same energy level.
Soul charms belong to fluid energy, while sound waves belong to wave broadcasting. When they meet, they are in peace. The magic sound waves attack the soul charms from the land and pass through and print them on the chest of the magical scorpion!
The magic sound lost its soul like a wing. When he saw it, he was frightened. His hands staggered, and the Yin and Yang two streams turned. The whole person cast out the Yin and Yang method. In the moment of touching the ground, the Yin and Yang method suddenly made a force, and the Yin and Yang two gases lingered out and forced the magic sound wave force to the ground
In order to deal with this magic sound, it can be said that it is a force to promote the yin-yang method, trying to change the direction of this sound wave and pull its strength to the ground
The sound wave force explodes everywhere on the surface of the earth, and its huge sound wave force is like breaking a mountain cone, setting off a dust wave like a monstrous air billow roll.
This blow is so powerful that even the Yin-Yang method is far from being effective, it is also a missile that is shocked at one stroke.
The ground was slightly destroyed by the quilt, and many of them were destroyed by the wave of demons and ghosts, and the moment was gone.
This blow was so destructive that Fiona Fang was as flat as a mirror for miles, leaving a circular pit in its original place.
Half-prostrate from the body is a little unstable.
Compared with the mental shock caused by the thought wave, the shock force of this blow is extremely strong, which belongs to two completely different types
Lu Li’s experience of several wars is also an exception to this magic sound Xiang’s feeling. If he confronts head-on, I’m afraid the body meridians will be scattered.
Half a thousand magic scorpions have a serious face and a strange tone. "I didn’t expect you to be proficient in several methods, and I will send you to the west this time!"
Chapter ninety-nine Strong fighting spirit
Thousands of magical scorpion figures conjure up the pervasive terror posture to work again.
This time, he changed his strategy, and the whole person’s special trajectory ran out, and the phantom was densely covered and interlaced into a dark shadow.
That scorpion’s tail roared like a death mark, and the whole ghost fled and shot at the centrifugal mouth of Lu.
Lu Li nature will not give up easily, barely get up and rotate the whole body at high speed to display the ghost dragon dance posture.
It’s natural to stay away from each other here to speed up the movement and dodge the opponent’s attack like a streamer. It’s the way that the enemy advances and we retreat that temporarily delays the opponent’s attack.
"Send you to the west after the triad!"
Thousands of magic scorpions are adamant and generally want to be divided.
"On the immortal meeting, I was defeated by Brother Fang Yunhan. Can my realm break through the frost this time?"
Lu Li’s heart burst into a fighting spirit, and Zhen Yuan once again condensed to avoid the attack of thousands of magic scorpions, and the sword danced out again.
Sword wind flowing firm but gentle cross
At this moment, Lu Li broke out, and most of them were cultivated in the earth, and the power of the sword shadow was much stronger than that at the beginning.
The peerless sword and awn of the earth danced across the sky, and the rapid circulation was controlled by the land. It only took a blink of an eye to cast a very high temperature on the Yin-Yang method.
This time, through the red shadow fairy sword, Yin and Yang were instilled, and through the magic device, the power of heaven and earth suddenly broke out. The four overbearing sword tactics suddenly shot up and shot directly into the sky when the Yin and Yang sword was in the sky.
"Yin and Yang method sword to destroy ghosts, crack, break and destroy immortals!"
Lu Li’s experience in the heart has consolidated the initial state of experience in mind. At this time, it is relatively solid and there will be no uncertainty.
"Lotus can’t be defeated!"
Lu Li used the strong power of green red lightsaber to forcibly press the thousand magic scorpions while casting the Yin and Yang method, but the whole person quietly fell into another situation.
"Yin-yang method is dry and Kun borrows the law to hide!"
The figure of Lu Li in the sky suddenly disappeared as if it were invisible to the naked eye.
"Three-color lotus hidden in the clouds!"
On the basis of Yin-Yang method, it is even more important to display these three wonders, one or three colors, and the lotus shape and breath are completely hidden. It is definitely a method to detect the unusual master.
However, the thousand magic scorpions are, after all, fairy masters who are more famous than those who eat their hearts and disperse people. If you want to press him head-on, it is extremely difficult.
The only way is to look for opportunities to find that key, just like destroying the body of the ancestor of the cliff.
Raise the whole person with both hands, as if the magic scorpion of the imperial sun were towering over the sky. The momentum has not changed much, but the body magic gas alone will be forced to compete with the sword of Yin and Yang. The four tactics of overbearing, sharp, broken, broken and destroyed in the hands of the magic scorpion are crashing and breaking, and the sword of the earth is broken and dissipated in the sky like gold and iron.
"Are you too timid to fight?"
Thousand magic scorpions love to hunt down the enemy. At this time, the action of leaving the land is very in line with otherness
The magic scorpion’s eyebrows flashed with a strange light, and a strange eye appeared by cracking a gap, which was exactly what scorpion eyes looked like.

Looking at the mysterious figures that are about to disappear in the darkness of the ancient mine in front of him, he hesitated for a moment, then clenched his teeth and fell to the ground, crashing down on his knees and shouting, "Please help me to enter the mine and get the divine source and great kindness. I hope to repay it all my life!"

A woman with an outstanding appearance outside the cave looks at this scene with tearful eyes, pity and remorse … If it weren’t for her indomitable spirit, a man who has never bowed his head in his life, how could he kneel down to people? !
Chapter seven hundred and seventy Your performance
A man with an iron skeleton knelt down and gave up pride and dignity to seek a hope for the love of his life.
However, the footsteps of the ancient mine gradually faded away and there was no reply.
If you kneel, there will be so many Nai where will you go? I’m afraid the gods and buddhas all over the sky will be too busy, because there are too many people willing to kneel.
Qin Changfeng and Xiao Mo are indifferent to talk about nothing hard-helping is my compassion and not helping is my point.
Even if it’s pretty, it’s more curious. After being influenced by the bodhi old zu Wannian, it’s impossible for the whole peacock family to have a real white rabbit now.
In the early days, the ancient mines were more secretive and dangerous than the outside, and chaotic ancient relics could be seen everywhere. After years of precipitation, many of them were pregnant with pitfalls.
Moreover, these dangers are not as clearly visible as outside, hidden in the dark, like the same cold hell snakes looking for flaws, ready to pounce and bite.
At the beginning of the ancient mine, the earth source stones can be seen everywhere, but the source of the gods is the most central, and many of them are uncertain and difficult to capture.
In a chaotic ancient year, Shi Haolai took part of the sacred source, Qin Changfeng had never been there, and he was not familiar with the situation here. Many landforms in the area of ancient mines in the early days of the vicissitudes of life have changed.
Qin Changfeng’s three people are pursuing the fluctuation of the divine source, and they are invincible all the way.
Even if this place is dangerous, the forbidden area of life will become famous in the future, but it is also a relative threat to Qin Changfeng and Xiao Mo.
However, with the deepening and getting closer to the small area at the core of the ancient mine in the early days, Qin Changfeng’s eyebrows gradually wrinkled-a powerful and strange curse force pervaded here, which was illusory and ominous, but it made people self-destruct in the process.
And I am still willing, even though I know that there will be great terror, but I can’t give birth to the slightest resistance, but I feel that I am sublimating, becoming stronger and stepping into the high road.
You can resist the fatal temptation like a moth in the dark.
"The holy father feels a little weird … it seems that there is something to get in." The little peacock also frowned. She can accurately describe the strange feelings of her body and summarize them.
"It’s interesting. I haven’t exercised my muscles for a long time, so someone sent the door." Xiao Mo laughed. She grew up with a good temper
In a moment, they finally reached their destination.
I was surprised to see that in the silence, the crystal clear all around was the source stone with strong aura essence, and the fairy light refraction they brought was amazing, like the whole source stone crystal wall.
If this is seen by the monks outside, it will inevitably lead to a bloody chaos. Just one wall is a huge treasure, not to mention there is another more dazzling and incredible thing in this center.
This is a coffin floating in a lake, which is dark and cold, and many unheard-of creatures’ bones rise and fall in it. Qin Changfeng and the ominous curse they feel suddenly comes from this lake!
In sharp contrast, the floating coffins on the black lake have ancient markings and are full of mysterious words. Even the dust smells more than the vicissitudes of life.
The most amazing thing is that this coffin is crystal clear and purer and more magnificent as the source stone. At the same time, it has a fairy jade that makes people look at it and never move their eyes. Even Qin Changfeng and Xiao Mo are shocked-this is actually a coffin carved from the whole source of God!
It’s a big deal, so the source of the Great God is that Shi Hao never found it once and brought it back to the Peacock Holy Mountain, which is at most half of it.
The black lake and the coffin are extremely old, which obviously does not belong to this era, but it is a bit ridiculous to talk about ancient things in front of Qin Changfeng.
"This coffin is a good thing, but it’s just a little unlucky."
Qin Changfeng rubbed the coffin of Bashen with his right hand, but who gets the coffin of a normal person? It’s not good to lie in it, even if it works, I don’t feel a little diaphragmatic in my heart
And even it’s not very good to collect-it’s like if someone at home accidentally breaks his leg and buys a crutch, he must throw it away as soon as his leg is ready, otherwise why stay at home and wait for the second leg to break?
So if you take this coffin, are you waiting to die?
When Qin Changfeng was whispering in his heart, Xiao Mo’s note was in the lake.