
1. **健脾养胃**:小米在《本草纲目》中被提及有健脾养胃的作用,可以治疗反胃、热痢、虚损等,与香蕉结合后,对改善脾胃功能有显著效果。

2. **润肠通便**:小米和香蕉都含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善便秘,使肠道畅通。

3. **美容养颜**:小米和香蕉都含有多种维生素和矿物质,如钙、铁等,这些成分有助于促进皮肤生长、伤口愈合,减少皱纹和色斑。

4. **安神助眠**:小米含有丰富的维生素B1和色氨酸,有助于神经系统稳定,香蕉中的氨基酸成分也有助于镇静神经,两者结合可以改善睡眠质量。


5. **提高免疫力**:小米和香蕉都是碱性食物,有助于中和体内酸性物质,维持酸碱平衡,提高免疫力。

6. **促进消化吸收**:小米的质地柔软,易于消化,对于肠胃功能较弱的人群尤其适合。

7. **适合不同人群**:香蕉小米粥适合各个年龄段的人群,包括老人和小孩,可以作为辅食或日常饮食的一部分。

8. **减肥辅助**:小米和香蕉都有助于减肥,因为它们低热量且能增加饱腹感。

9. **简单易做**:香蕉小米粥的制作方法简单,适合忙碌的现代人。



1. **养肝明目**:枸杞多糖对实验性肝损伤有保护作用,能降低血清谷丙转氨酶,促进肝损伤的修复。同时,枸杞能够促进肝细胞新生,抑制脂肪在肝细胞内沉积。

2. **提高免疫力**:枸杞能增强人体免疫功能,在抗肿瘤治疗中能减轻环磷酰胺的毒副作用,促进造血功能恢复,升高周围血的白细胞数。

3. **抗衰老**:枸杞含有丰富的抗氧化物质,如枸杞多糖、-胡萝卜素、维生素E、硒及黄酮类等,能有效对抗自由基,减轻自由基过氧化损伤,延缓衰老。

4. **滋补肝肾**:中医认为,枸杞性味甘平,能滋补肝肾、益精明目、养血,增强免疫力。对于现代人来说,枸杞还有抗疲劳和降低血压的功效。

5. **美容**:枸杞可以提高皮肤吸收氧分的能力,起到美白作用。

6. **调节血脂和血糖**:枸杞具有辅助降血脂、调节脂类代谢的作用,对预防心血管疾病有益。枸杞多糖还可以增强胰岛细胞抗氧化作用,降低血糖。

7. **调血压**:枸杞中的枸杞多糖有辅助降低高血压的功效。

8. **提高视力**:枸杞中含有的-胡萝卜素可转化为维生素A,有助于防治黄斑病变,提高视力。


9. **抗肿瘤**:枸杞中的微量元素锗有抑制癌细胞的作用。


10. **其他功效**:如保肝、降血糖、软化血管、降低血液中的胆固醇和甘油三酯水平,对脂肪肝和糖尿病患者具有一定的疗效。


– 避免与寒性食物同食,如西瓜、梨等。
– 感冒发烧、有炎症、腹泻等情况下不宜食用。
– 阳虚体质者或夏季应适量食用,避免过多引起上火。



1. **补血养颜**:红枣含有丰富的维生素C和铁质,能够促进血红蛋白的生成,有助于改善贫血症状,同时也能使皮肤红润有光泽。


2. **健脾养胃**:红枣具有健脾益胃的功效,对于消化不良、食欲不振等症状有改善作用。

3. **美容养颜**:猪蹄中含有丰富的胶原蛋白,可以促进皮肤细胞吸收和贮存水分,防止皮肤干瘪起皱,使皮肤圆润饱满、光滑富有弹力。


4. **增强免疫力**:红枣中的多种营养素能够增强人体的免疫力,提高抗病能力。

5. **促进伤口愈合**:猪蹄的胶原蛋白有助于伤口的愈合,对于手术后或身体虚弱的人群有很好的恢复作用。

6. **改善睡眠**:红枣中的某些成分能够帮助改善睡眠质量,对于失眠患者有一定的缓解作用。


7. **促进乳汁分泌**:对于哺乳期的妇女,红枣猪蹄汤有很好的催乳作用。

8. **调经止痛**:红枣对于女性月经不调、痛经有一定的缓解作用。

9. **调节血压**:花生中的油脂成分有助于降低血压。

10. **预防心血管疾病**:花生中的不饱和脂肪酸有助于预防心血管疾病。



1. **补益气血**:乌鸡含有丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸、矿物质和微量元素,具有滋补肝肾、养血补气的作用。花旗参(西洋参)则具有补气养阴的功效,两者结合能够显著提高机体的气血水平,改善贫血症状,增强身体抵抗力。

2. **润肺滋阴**:花旗参能滋阴润肺,适用于治疗支气管炎、支气管哮喘、咳嗽痰多等肺部疾病。乌鸡也有润肺作用,两者结合能够更好地滋养肺部,改善呼吸道症状。

3. **增强免疫力**:花旗参和乌鸡都含有丰富的营养成分,能够增强机体的免疫功能,提高抗病能力,对疾病有预防和辅助治疗作用。


4. **镇静安神**:花旗参中的皂甙成分可以增强中枢神经强度,达到静心凝神的效果,有助于缓解失眠、烦躁等症状。乌鸡中的镁元素也有助于镇静神经,缓解抑郁情绪。

5. **延缓衰老**:花旗参和乌鸡中都含有抗氧化成分,如人参皂苷、维生素A、维生素E、硒元素等,能够清除体内的自由基,减缓细胞老化,从而达到延缓衰老的效果。

6. **保护心脑血管**:花旗参中的成分有助于强化心肌收缩能力,改善心脑血管功能,对冠心病等心脑血管疾病有辅助治疗作用。

7. **滋阴补肾**:花旗参和乌鸡都具有滋阴补肾的作用,适合肾阴虚、腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣等症状的人群食用。



五步蛇,学名Agkistrodon acutus,是中国南方山区常见的毒蛇之一。关于五步蛇的药效,可以从以下几个方面进行揭秘:

1. **祛风止痛**:五步蛇毒具有祛风止痛的功效,对于风湿性关节炎、坐骨神经痛等疾病有一定的缓解作用。这可能与蛇毒中含有的酶类成分有关,这些成分可以影响疼痛信号的传递。

2. **舒筋活络**:五步蛇毒同样可以舒筋活络,对于肢体麻木、腰酸背痛等症状有一定的改善作用。这是因为蛇毒中的某些成分能够促进血液循环,缓解肌肉紧张。

3. **滋阴补肾**:传统中医认为,五步蛇毒具有滋阴补肾的作用,适用于治疗肾虚引起的腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣等症状。

4. **抗炎作用**:五步蛇毒具有一定的抗炎作用,对于炎症性疾病如风湿性关节炎等有一定的治疗价值。

5. **抗血栓形成**:五步蛇毒中的某些成分具有抗血栓形成的作用,可以预防血栓的形成。

五步蛇,学名Agkistrodon acutus,是中国南方山区常见的毒蛇之一。关于五步蛇的药效,可以从以下几个方面进行揭秘:


1. **五步蛇毒的毒性**:五步蛇毒中含有多种酶类、神经毒素和凝血毒素等,对人体具有强烈的毒性。被五步蛇咬伤后,如果不及时处理,可能会危及生命。

2. **五步蛇酒的饮用**:关于活五步蛇泡酒的说法,实际上存在安全隐患。虽然一些民间传统认为,将活蛇放入酒中可以提取蛇毒,但这种做法风险极高,不建议尝试。

五步蛇,学名Agkistrodon acutus,是中国南方山区常见的毒蛇之一。关于五步蛇的药效,可以从以下几个方面进行揭秘:

3. **正规治疗**:五步蛇咬伤后,应及时就医,使用专业的抗蛇毒血清进行治疗。民间偏方和未经证实的治疗方法可能延误病情,甚至加重伤害。



1. **补肾壮阳**:野韭菜被誉为“起阳草”,具有补肾壮阳的功效,对于男性性功能减退、阳痿早泄等有很好的缓解作用。


2. **益肝健胃**:野韭菜含有天然挥发性精油,可以疏肝和胃,增加食欲,对于消化不良有很好的调理作用。

3. **活血止痛**:野韭菜具有活血止痛的特性,可用于跌打损伤的治疗,外敷新鲜的野韭菜捣碎物可以缓解因跌打损伤引起的肿痛。

4. **润肠通便**:野韭菜含有丰富的植物纤维和粗纤维,能加快胃肠运动,促进大便生成与排出,有助于缓解便秘,降低肠癌发生概率。


5. **温中下气**:野韭菜可以温中下气,对于胃虚寒、心烦、噎嗝反胃等症状有良好的治疗效果。

6. **散血解毒**:野韭菜具有散血解毒的作用,对腰膝酸软、痛经、痢疾、脱肛、毛发脱落等症有治疗作用。

7. **祛风止痒**:野韭菜可用于治疗荨麻疹、牛皮癣等皮肤瘙痒症状。

8. **调节脏腑**:野韭菜可以调整脏腑功能,对多种脏腑疾病有调节作用。

9. **降逆**:野韭菜有降逆的功效,对于胃气上逆、恶心呕吐等症状有一定的缓解作用。



And by the time he returned to the virtual realm, he had been there for ten years!

When he was in Yuanying, Su Mo not only had to practice, but also had to constantly nurture the violet.
Now, the natural violet has disappeared, leaving a bare lotus and 54 violets, which no longer need the birth of the Yuan God.
As a result, Su Moxiu’s speed has soared!
Secondly, when he was in Yuanying’s territory, he was the top achievement method of uniting the immortal Buddha.
And in the virtual realm, he cultivated the three top achievement methods of Xian buddha magic!
The magic door achievement method still comes from a magic door half-ancestor
Among them, there is no need for Su Mo to understand what he learned in the Taoist Heart-Planting Magic Sutra.
The memory of devouring the magic door and half ancestors is like an awakening. Generally, he can directly understand the essence of this magic skill!
In this way, in the past ten years, he has already cultivated to the peak of returning to the virtual realm!
Stay in this realm for a month.
Su Mo faintly felt the bottleneck.
I’m afraid it will take another decade or so to continue practicing at the bottom of the buried dragon valley, but I may not be able to break through this bottleneck.
What’s more, he’s still thinking, and now he’s back in the North, just to see some old friends in the North.
After the sad old monk said goodbye to the red hair ghost, Su Mo left the Buried Dragon Valley and headed for the King City of Zhou Dynasty.
This time, when he returns to the North, he doesn’t have to hide.
The first world war had a great impact.
Later, the Emperor’s half-ancestor was seriously injured and mixed with Yuan Zong’s great ability to fall, and several super clans were able to fail and bury the Dragon Valley, which had a greater impact on the whole fix-true world!
At present, no clan dares to target him under the banner of killing aliens.
There is no way that you can fit in well and dare to cross the boundary and rush to him!
Except the same order killing.
Of course, in the eyes of many monks, Sumo has fallen from the altar.
Without god, burn bones, lose flesh, lose nature, violet and sumo are not even arrogant in the eyes of group repair!
Even if I can come back alive, I will be worthless to the public.
At this time, no one has realized that the Uber who once made Tianjiao tremble and fear has been reborn!
After entering the territory of Da Zhou, Su Mo was in no hurry to travel all the way to see the great rivers and mountains.
Over the years, Da Zhou’s governance in Ji Yaoxue is better than that in the past, and the people with strong national strength live and work in peace and contentment.
More than 100 years ago, the allied forces of Dashang, Daxia and Dayou invaded Dazhou and were buried in the Cang Lang Mountains by Sumo.
After this campaign, Zhou Guoyun was already strong!
Su Mo’s heart is also happy with Ji Yaoxue
The fate of the two is not shallow, but they are not on the same road after all.
Ji Yao naturally wants to create a strong dynasty and usher in a peaceful and prosperous world on Sunday.
Su Mo, on the other hand, should constantly practice and pursue the footsteps of chasing butterflies and moons on the illusory avenue!

Suddenly, waves swept past Yu Guihai’s position, and his figure suddenly disappeared into the water.

Amethyst giant’s face changed, his figure flashed and suddenly disappeared in place, and a huge fist roared by.
Purple light emerged from a distance and then disappeared. A faint gray light chased closely and never relaxed, constantly ejecting in this world.
I don’t know how long it took before the gray light of an unbroken mountain flashed to reveal two figures.
"The master can!" Virtual spirit bowed their heads and confessed.
"Blame you this guy in this purple spirit demon world with the support of the whole world we can’t catch him" Yu Guihai gave a hand and said.
"Well, let’s go back and make plans later!"
Yu Guihai wanted to think, then his body moved towards the battlefield of double light.
Since we can’t catch the amethyst giant, he can go back and find another way first!
It’s not that he doesn’t want to escape from this world at once, but somehow he has a feeling of escaping, doesn’t he?
Yu Guihai returned to the edge of the battlefield and sat up.
The amethyst giant also came back carefully, facing Yu Guihai across the battlefield. He was always on the alert for Yu Guihai lest he should chase after him again just now, but it frightened him.
Yu Guihai didn’t care about this amethyst giant. He checked his third song.
This third song belongs to the demon emperor’s blood and is called the phase robbery demon.
What I am good at is various forms of curses, which can not only curse others directly, but also strengthen myself in various ways.

There is another big pit in the ground

Linghu collapsed in tears and was in love.
Everyone laughed.
Just then, stars suddenly appeared in the distant sky, and the trajectory was chaotic.
Like a pair of big hands at the mercy of the stars!
Su Mo put away his smile, frowned slightly and whispered, "Stars in the daytime?"
Chapter one hundred and forty-four Bloody face
The old ape hasn’t gone far and noticed this scene. He also stopped looking up and looked dignified.
At this time, the night has already passed and the sky is bright.
But in the distance, there are simple and boundless stars in the sky, and the chaos of the stars can be found!
"Grandpa, what’s going on?"
Yuan Linger uniting the fashion short haven’t seen such a strange scene could not help but ask.
"I have never seen such a vision of heaven and earth."
The old ape shook his head and said slowly, "I estimate that something great must happen in that sky!" This incident has caused chaos in the daytime! "
"What could it be?"
Yuan linger asked
"Hard to say"
The old ape said, "It may be the birth of a treasure, the birth of a secret law, or the way of a big demon that alarmed heaven and earth … even the birth or fall of some peerless powerful people may lead to a vision of heaven and earth!"
"I heard that a Hokkeji emperor died in the catastrophe in the northern region ten thousand years ago, which triggered a vision of heaven and earth!"
The emperor fell into sorrow with heaven and earth!
The old ape sighed, "It is said that on that day, all the buddhas appeared all over the sky and the Sanskrit sound of the golden lotus poured out in a sky for a long time."
Yuan Linger was shocked.
The old ape sighed with emotion, "It’s a pity that all ethnic groups respect this life when practicing in this realm!"
After a long time, the old ape stared at the stars in the sky for a while and frowned. "It seems that the position of this star is similar to that of a thousand years of blood. What will happen between them?"
Seven days later
About a thousand monsters in the Ape-Tiling Group are middle-class monsters!
Su Mo and others are also among them.
Although most of them are low-level demons, they are out of place around them, but there is no contempt in the eyes of the demons
Seven days ago, the demons of World War I were fresh in my memory.
Looking at the front of the red-haired male demon eyes more or less reveal a trace of fear.
Soon the old ape appeared with Yuan Linger.

Peach valley and others smell speech, and their hearts sink, which is the so-called "the end of the road". I didn’t expect to come so soon!

They looked at each other in silence, and the situation was very obvious. It was not up to them to oppose it.
Tao Gu saluted, "If you have something, just ask us to do it and never refuse."
"Then it’s good to say how many people you all agree to accept it now."
Yu Guihai smiled and suddenly reached out with a wave of his hand. The mysterious gray-black method tactic was suddenly issued according to the blaster of all the wood elves.
"Wait for what?"
Wood spirit people frightened to disgrace will resist in an instant.
However, a wave of terror and coercion suddenly fell from the sky. These people suddenly felt that their shoulders were pressed against a huge mountain, and they could not move at all. The slightest force could be to watch these dharma tactics rush into the body and be madly branded in the soul and the flesh.
The strongest protector of Taogu suddenly broke into a layer of green fog, which is his own powerful Taoist power to resist these methods.
At this time, he was surprised and angry in his heart. This person actually turned his face when he said that he turned his face, but he is not a vegetarian. How can you hold it?
Then he saw a torrent of dharma tactics, and the tsunami rushed towards him crazily. Every dharma tactic flashed with great power than Tao.
"this, this"
Taogu dharma keeper’s eyes are wide open and shocked.
Later, he thought that the horrible serpent was abnormal enough, but he didn’t expect this person to be even more abnormal. This breath is already far thicker than that serpent.
At this time, he believes that this person is definitely not a person, but a monster that is more horrible than the virtual serpent.
In a flash, these dharma strategics have been in the body, and his own strength has been swallowed up by several dharma strategics without even blocking a breath.
Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~
Taogu felt a great shock, and then her consciousness was overwhelmed by the great pain of tearing her soul apart
"Meet the master!"
After a long time, the wooden Eldar people woke up to see Yu Guihai next to them, and there was a kind of fear in his look.
"Well, have a seat." Yu Guihai light way
When everyone was uneasy and seated, Yu Guihai said, "Now I have some information to ask you."
"Master, do you know anything?" Taogu Chuishou said.
"Well, let’s talk about the situation of the wood spirit world and the wood spirit family first." Yu Guihai nodded and ordered.
"yes! I’m Mu Eldar … "The protector of Taogu carefully narrated the situation of Mu Eldar and Mu Eldar.
He has almost no secrets from the top masters of the Wood Elves, and the whole Wood Elves and the Wood Elves are completely presented in front of Yu Guihai.
Chapter 9 Wood Spirit, Holy Fruit, Hatred, Secret Method
The wood spirit world is a big world with 40 avenues. Although it is at the bottom of the big world, there are already few stars in this place who can be promoted to one of the big world in Daojing.
This world is rather strange. The whole world is dominated by wood reiki. Other reiki don’t say no, but they are all in an absolutely suppressed position. It is composed of all things in the world, and 90% of the reiki that is free from heaven and earth is wood reiki.
This has also created a strange biological composition here. The biological basis here is all wood attributes, and even the Muling people are all wood attributes.
However, the seemingly single world attribute can’t hide its powerful wood spirit world’s birth, and the powerful people emerge one after another, never dating.
Among the Muling people, Taogu Dharma Protector is not the strongest. He is the same rank or five Dharma Protectors. There are three elders in their face, whose strength is far beyond the ordinary and unfathomable.
According to Taogu, it is estimated that the strength of the three elders is not too much than that of the virtual spirit.
There are more than a hundred strong people in the virtual realm of Tao, and then there are countless monks.
This makes Yu Guihai envy him. Although he has a strong high-end combat power, if he talks about the inside story, this wood clan is far from being comparable.
"But if our development is short, it will definitely exceed the wood spirit world for ten thousand years." Yu Guihai thought lightly.
The most distinctive thing of the Muling nationality should be the ancestral tree, which is a characteristic tree in the Muling world, and its old root is a spiritual tree growing in the source of the Muling world.
This spiritual root extends to all parts of the world and grows into towering giant trees.
Muling people recognize that their ancestors were fruits from these giant trees, and that these giant trees are the origin of Muling people. Among them, practitioners live in the ancestral trees, while unqualified people live in the ancestral trees.
The fruit produced by a giant tree is the highest spiritual fruit, but the larger the blood and qualification of the pure wood clan, the higher the spiritual fruit order of the ancestral tree.
The spiritual fruit of the source spiritual tree can even increase the chance of breaking through the Tao.
A few days later, Yu Guihai got a detailed understanding of the Muling clan from Taogu and other people, and he also knew that Taogu and others had come to visit this time.
It was really attracted by the star map tablet to find the wood spirit family predecessors.
"The star map tablet is here. Do you have any way to find your predecessors?" Yu Guihai released the star map tablet that he refined and integrated into the ghost shuttle.
"But didn’t the elder find me?" Peach valley nodded and then confused way
"No, I found this star map tablet in this virtual undercurrent, and your predecessors left it." Yu Guihai replied.
"What? That’s hard to do. I still have a method to find the ethnic flavor at close range, but it can be used in the virtual undercurrent. Even the fog on the edge will interfere with this method. "Taogu’s face changed slightly."
Obviously, he knows about the virtual turbulence. Besides the fog, there are many virtual turbulence. Who knows where the remains will be taken?
"What’s the purpose of your deliberate search for the remains of dead vines?" Yu Guihai suddenly asked
Taogu’s face was sluggish and he immediately replied, "I report to my master, grandmaster Kuteng, that he came to look for the family relic, and so did we, to see if he found it."
"Holy things?" Yu Guihai was surprised that there was another story.
"Our sacred object is a dry fruit, but the ancestor tree found a sacred fruit with exhaustion. There is a secret of soaring in the sacred fruit of wood spirit source gas, but it is a pity that our predecessors have not been able to uncover this secret.
Until one hundred thousand years ago, the sacred fruit was taken out by a senior in the clan to seal a giant snake by its power. Er, "Taogu was explaining that he suddenly looked at the empty spirit with a trembling tone.
"why?" Yu Guihai eyebrows slightly wrinkled way
"Ha ha, you don’t look at me. Do you think the elder in the clan is called Wanmu?" Virtual spirit smiled and said