
### 白萝卜的益处详解:

1. **消化系统**:白萝卜含有丰富的芥子油、淀粉酶和粗纤维,能促进消化,增强食欲,加快胃肠蠕动,对食积腹胀、消化不良、胃纳欠佳等都有改善作用。

2. **呼吸系统**:白萝卜性凉,有止咳化痰、润肺的作用,适合治疗咳嗽、痰多、咽喉炎、扁桃体炎等。

3. **泌尿系统**:白萝卜有利尿作用,可用于治疗泌尿系统结石、排尿不畅、浮肿等。

4. **美容养颜**:白萝卜中的维生素C有助于美白肌肤,淡化色斑,消除皮肤炎症。

5. **增强免疫力**:白萝卜中的维生素C和微量元素能增强人体抵抗力,减少感冒机会。

6. **降火促消化**:白萝卜性寒,含水量高,有降火、缓解便秘的作用。

7. **预防癌症**:白萝卜含有有机硫化物和异硫氰酸盐,能预防和抑制肿瘤。

### 食用白萝卜的注意事项:

1. **脾胃虚弱者慎食**:白萝卜性凉,脾胃虚弱者过多食用可能加重症状。

2. **寒性体质者慎食**:白萝卜属于寒性蔬菜,寒性体质者过多食用可能加重病情。

3. **与胡萝卜不宜同食**:白萝卜中的维生素C可能会与胡萝卜中的胡萝卜素发生反应,影响营养吸收。

4. **适量食用**:虽然白萝卜有诸多益处,但过量食用也可能产生副作用,如引起腹泻等。


5. **食用方法**:白萝卜可以生食、煮食、炖食等多种方式食用,可根据个人口味和需求选择。



1. **补气养血**:红枣片含有丰富的糖类、蛋白质、维生素以及微量元素如铁、钙等,这些成分有助于增强体力,改善贫血症状。

2. **健脾养胃**:中医认为红枣具有补中益气、健脾养胃的作用,可以增加胃肠道黏液分泌,帮助修复胃肠病损,促进食欲。

3. **促进睡眠**:红枣具有安神作用,对于改善睡眠质量有帮助,适合晚上睡眠不佳或心神不宁的人群。

4. **增强体质**:红枣含有丰富的维生素C和其他多种维生素,能够提高人体免疫功能,增强抗病能力。

5. **保肝护脏**:红枣片泡水饮用有助于促进白细胞生成,降低血清胆固醇,提高血清白蛋白,从而保护肝脏。

6. **美容养颜**:红枣含有丰富的维生素和微量元素,如维生素B、维生素C等,有助于促进血液循环,使皮肤和毛发光润,减少黑色素形成,预防色素沉着和老年斑。

7. **止咳润肺**:红枣片泡水饮用对于止咳润肺有一定效果,可以缓解呼吸道不适。

8. **排毒养肝**:红枣片泡水喝有助于养肝排毒,适合肝功能欠佳的人群,能够增加血清蛋白质,增强肝功能。


9. **调节心血管**:红枣中含有芦丁,有助于软化血管,预防高血压和心血管疾病。


10. **调节免疫和抗氧化**:红枣含有丰富的抗氧化物质,如维生素C和维生素E,有助于清除自由基,减缓衰老,增强机体对疾病的抵抗力。



1. **营养成分**:


– **糖分**:葡萄含糖量在8%到10%之间,主要以葡萄糖为主,易于人体吸收。
– **维生素**:葡萄含有多种维生素,如维生素C、维生素A和维生素K。
– **矿物质**:葡萄含有丰富的矿物质,如钾、钙、铁和镁。
– **氨基酸**:葡萄含有多种氨基酸,对人体健康有益。
– **抗氧化物质**:葡萄中含有丰富的抗氧化剂,如花青素和类黄酮,有助于保护身体免受自由基的伤害。

2. **保健作用**:
– **补益身体**:葡萄具有补肝肾、益气血、生津液、利小便等功效,对神经衰弱和过度疲劳有补益作用。
– **预防心血管疾病**:葡萄中的抗氧化物质可以降低血清胆固醇水平,降低血小板凝聚力,对预防心脑血管疾病有一定作用。
– **抗衰老**:葡萄中的花青素和类黄酮是强效的抗氧化剂,能抗衰老,清除体内自由基。


– **抗癌作用**:葡萄中含有的一种抗癌微量元素可防止健康细胞癌变,阻止癌细胞扩散。
– **改善皮肤状况**:葡萄有助于抑制过敏因子的释放,提高细胞对过敏原的耐受力,清除致敏自由基,稳定皮肤血管组织,调节人体免疫力。
– **助消化**:葡萄干中的酒石酸和膳食纤维可以帮助胃肠道消化,吸附肠道壁的毒素并促进排毒。


– **补铁**:葡萄干含铁量是新鲜葡萄的15倍,对于体虚贫血者来说是佳品。
– **美容养颜**:葡萄干皮中的花青素有助于增加皮肤弹性,减少皱纹,减少自由基对皮肤的损伤,并可以减少紫外线对皮肤的伤害。



### 营养价值:

1. **高水分含量**:水芥菜含水量极高,能够帮助补充身体所需的水分,促进新陈代谢。


2. **维生素丰富**:水芥菜中含有丰富的维生素C、维生素A和维生素K,这些维生素对于增强免疫力、促进骨骼健康和维持皮肤健康至关重要。

3. **矿物质**:水芥菜含有钙、铁、镁、钾等矿物质,这些矿物质对于维持心脏健康、骨骼密度和神经系统的正常功能都非常重要。

4. **低热量**:水芥菜热量低,几乎不含脂肪,是减肥和保持身材的理想食品。

5. **抗氧化物质**:水芥菜中含有抗氧化物质,如黄酮类化合物,有助于抵抗自由基,减少氧化应激,预防慢性疾病。

6. **膳食纤维**:水芥菜富含膳食纤维,有助于促进肠胃蠕动,预防便秘,维持肠道健康。

### 健康益处:


1. **增强免疫力**:由于含有丰富的维生素C,水芥菜有助于增强免疫系统,抵御疾病。

2. **促进心血管健康**:水芥菜中的钾有助于维持正常的血压,减少心脏病和中风的风险。


3. **促进骨骼健康**:水芥菜中的钙和维生素K对于维持骨骼密度和预防骨质疏松症至关重要。

4. **保护视力**:水芥菜中的维生素A有助于保护视力,预防夜盲症。

5. **预防癌症**:水芥菜中的抗氧化物质和纤维有助于减少癌症的风险。

6. **促进消化**:水芥菜中的膳食纤维有助于促进肠胃蠕动,预防便秘。

### 注意事项:

1. **过敏体质者**:对于过敏体质的人来说,过度食用水芥菜可能会引起过敏反应。

2. **草酸含量**:水芥菜中含有较多的草酸,与富含钙的食物同食可能会影响钙的吸收。



1. **治疗头痛、头晕**:菊花本身具有疏风清热的作用,对于因风热引起的头痛、头晕有良好的缓解效果。使用菊花枕头可以帮助改善这些症状。

2. **明目安神**:菊花具有明目的功效,对于用眼过度引起的眼睛疲劳、视物模糊等有辅助治疗作用。同时,菊花还能安神,有助于改善睡眠质量。

3. **保健养生**:菊花枕头的香味有助于放松心情,减轻压力,从而起到保健养生的作用。长期的睡眠质量提高,对于身体健康有益。

4. **清头目、祛邪秽**:菊花具有清热解毒、祛风的功效,使用菊花枕头可以清头目,帮助排除体内邪气,提高睡眠质量。


5. **调整血压**:菊花枕头中的一些成分,如川芎、丹皮等,有助于改善心肌缺血,降低血压,对高血压患者有益。

6. **抗菌消炎**:菊花枕头中的菊花成分具有一定的抗菌消炎作用,对于一些常见的病毒和细菌有一定的抑制作用。

7. **改善睡眠**:菊花枕头的香味有助于放松身心,减少噩梦,提高睡眠质量,尤其适合失眠患者。


8. **适合各类人群**:菊花枕头适合各个年龄段的人群使用,尤其是学生、上班族和中老年人。


– 对菊花过敏的人不宜使用;
– 野菊花含有一定毒性,不建议使用;
– 使用过程中应保持枕头的清洁和干燥。




1. **调和阴阳,温阳补肾**:肾宝合剂具有调和人体阴阳平衡,温阳补肾的功效,适用于肾阳不足引起的各种症状。

2. **扶正固本**:能够增强人体的正气,提高免疫力,有助于巩固和恢复身体的基本功能。

3. **治疗肾虚相关症状**:主要用于治疗腰膝酸软、少气懒言、畏寒、肢冷、小便清长等症状,尤其对男性阳痿、早泄和女性月经量多或经闭有显著疗效。

4. **改善女性月经问题**:对于月经量多、白带清稀且绵绵不绝的女性,肾宝合剂有助于调节月经和白带。

5. **增强体质,抗衰延年**:通过温补肾阳,提高人体的抗病能力,有助于延缓衰老。


6. **成分多样,药效全面**:肾宝合剂由蛇床子、川芎、红参、枸杞、山药、五味子等多种药材组成,这些药材各具特色,共同发挥药效。

7. **注意事项**:孕妇、儿童禁用;脾胃虚弱、呕吐泄泻、腹胀便溏、咳嗽痰多者慎用;感冒病人不宜服用;高血压、糖尿病患者应在医师指导下服用;不宜与藜芦、五灵脂、皂荚或其制剂同服;服药期间忌油腻、生冷、寒凉食物。

8. **服用方法**:通常为口服,一次10~20毫升,一日3次,饭前服用。

9. **安全性**:虽然目前尚不明确肾宝合剂的不良反应,但按照说明书和医生指导合理使用,通常可以安全有效。



"none left"
"I’m ordered not to leave anyone alive."
Several aquarium gods roared and jumped on both sides of the strait.
Terran number The water gods in the river rebelled one after another, carrying an army to attack all the clans. The Terran was in an instant chaos. This water god killed everywhere and did great harm. Nine gates had to be distracted, and he worked together to put down the rebellion.
"Self-eating" Jade Duxiu was set in front of the altar. Looking at the high-hanging gods in the eyes of the gods list, the four seas dragons colluded with each other to obtain the position of Tianshui God. This natural position of water god was mastered by the four seas dragons, and the ambition of the four seas dragons was not small. It was constantly devouring the nine big door forces. This water god has been completely controlled by the four seas dragons unconsciously.
Jade Duxiu saw at first glance that the rivers and rivers were flooded, and several state capitals were instantly hit by disasters. I don’t know how many mortals died in the rivers.
The outbreak of rivers and the incessant rain in the sky have fueled the dragon’s arrogance
"Watching the fun actually leads the wolf into the room. Oh, my God. This time, the ancestors of SIRS will really spare you." Jade Duxiu reveals a little sneer at her mouth.
The rebellion of the Shui nationality has been turbulent, and the number of ordinary people has died. Can the monks kill them?
"bang!" The cup in the hand of Taizhang teaches instant dust. "The Four Seas Dragon, if you dare to harm our Terran foundation, you must die."
"The Four Seas Dragon is really hateful, and this matter must not be tolerated. I am ordered to kill all the aquatic animals who are too chaotic. Please ask the elders of the quasi-fairy to kill the disaster quickly." Tai Zhang taught a gift to a quasi-fairy.
The quasi-fairy nodded and disappeared in the clouds.
"The water god is not so good at killing one side. The water god has been integrated into the river, and it is extremely difficult for even the quasi-fairy to find the source of the water god in the river." Taidou Zhangjiao touched the bar. "But there is no good way to ask the quasi-fairy predecessors to suppress the aquarium gods for the time being."
"This matter can go to the altar to seal the gods, please show your hand and show your hand. Holding the whip of God can press the gods of the heavens." It’s too easy to teach the divine light in the eyes to look at the side of the quasi-immortal bodhi old zu. "Please also ask the bodhi old zu to send someone to suppress the water chaos. This will send someone to Taiping Road to discuss countermeasures."
Jade Duxiu is a brother of Taiping Dao. If you want to make a wonderful contribution, you still need Taiping Dao’s contribution.
Nine gates guard against the wild and suppress the dragon, but they just forget that they have been pardoned and sealed. It can be said that this time, the nine gates suffered heavy losses and several mortals died. The foundation of the nine gates was shaken, and even the fate of the Terran was weakened in an instant, and this reduction continued.
The vast number of water gods in Kyushu, even if the quasi-fairy is well-connected, is difficult to take care of Zhou Chaotian, so it can’t be suppressed.
"This matter also needs to go to the altar of deity and ask Miao Xiu to make moves." A chess piece written by King Taiping Road keeps flowing and gently falls on the chessboard.
"This ….. wonderful show nine big door entanglements, it’s not that you don’t know that it’s a way to destroy hatred. Wonderful show will never help him. He hopes that the Terran nine big doors will be in great trouble." Wang Fayuan sat opposite the king and rubbed his eyebrows.
"Whether it is like this, it depends on Miao Xiu’s meaning. After all, Miao Xiu is in charge of the gods list. At this time, many godfathers are not here to control the gods list. Only Miao Xiu can control the gods list." Wang wrote a chess game
"It’s quite good for her to have a personal relationship with me. This matter can be negotiated by her. After all, the victims include my Taiping Road," Wang Fayuan said.
"Aquarium Rebellion" Ai looked at her hands, and her eyes were full of pitfalls. "The Four Seas Dragon is really a wolf’s ambition. The person in charge is responsible for this mess. If he hadn’t dragged the Four Seas Dragon into the Terran, how could this mess happen now?"
In the domain of dry days, Beppu looked at the intelligence in his hands and turned pale. "The Dragon King of the Four Seas really failed to live up to expectations. This time, I am in big trouble. I am afraid that the ancestors will spare me."
Chapter 1232 The original king calculation
"What happened to my husband?" Xi he looked at dry day eyes flashed a shadow of the sun.
"Oh, come and have a look," said the dry day, handing xi he the charm in his hand. It took xi he a while to read the information in the charm before he said, "The Dragon King of the Four Seas is really crazy to think about completely damaging the Terran foundation and actually launching a devastating blow to the Terran by the water god."
"Now the four seas dragon king moved me to the ground. Isn’t this a direct way to send the handle to the ancestors? When I hooked up with the Four Seas Dragon King, the ancestors of the Four Seas Dragon Rebellion had an excuse to attack me. How could the Four Seas Dragon King be so mindless? Damn it, this is to put me in a state of perdition. "Dry day will crush the glass in his hand.
Xi he let go, and the operator’s eyes flashed a bit of meditation. "Husband, don’t worry about this matter. The demon gods are backed by the wilderness. It should be noted that the water god rebelled, but although the four-seas dragon king reached an agreement to lead the wolf into the house, the water god pardoned the seal, but how can it be blamed for the trading of the four-seas dragon, the great ancestor of Tai Su?"
"That’s so said, but I want to be guilty and resigned. My ancestors have long been dissatisfied with me. I trembled all day long. I didn’t dare to be slightly negligent. I didn’t expect to be pitted by this group of animals from all over the world. It was me who led the wolf into the room first. My ancestors Nai Nai Tai’s ancestors, Tai Su, were bound to vent their anger on me. I became the best scapegoat." Anger rose in the eyes of dry days.
"What are you going to do now?" Xi he looked at dry heaven.
"This matter depends on Miao Xiu, who is in charge of the gods list. Perhaps Miao Xiu has a legal system to stop the disaster of the aquarium." Sitting in the chair slowly in the dry day, it is obviously very angry with the four seas. "No, I have to go personally and I can’t hold the handle for all the godparents."
After that, I saw that the dry day was twinkling and the time was soaring, and it was already in front of the altar.
This deity altar has a godfather who suppresses others from coming, but he will come on a dry day.
"Wonderful show" dry days in the gods list, a pair of eyes looking at Yu Duxiu.
"What are you doing here on a dry day?" Jade Duxiu opened her eyes and sounded indifferent.
On that dry day, I walked slowly to the altar of the gods and came to Yu Duxiu to sit slowly. "I want to make a deal with you."

Looking at the mysterious figures that are about to disappear in the darkness of the ancient mine in front of him, he hesitated for a moment, then clenched his teeth and fell to the ground, crashing down on his knees and shouting, "Please help me to enter the mine and get the divine source and great kindness. I hope to repay it all my life!"

A woman with an outstanding appearance outside the cave looks at this scene with tearful eyes, pity and remorse … If it weren’t for her indomitable spirit, a man who has never bowed his head in his life, how could he kneel down to people? !
Chapter seven hundred and seventy Your performance
A man with an iron skeleton knelt down and gave up pride and dignity to seek a hope for the love of his life.
However, the footsteps of the ancient mine gradually faded away and there was no reply.
If you kneel, there will be so many Nai where will you go? I’m afraid the gods and buddhas all over the sky will be too busy, because there are too many people willing to kneel.
Qin Changfeng and Xiao Mo are indifferent to talk about nothing hard-helping is my compassion and not helping is my point.
Even if it’s pretty, it’s more curious. After being influenced by the bodhi old zu Wannian, it’s impossible for the whole peacock family to have a real white rabbit now.
In the early days, the ancient mines were more secretive and dangerous than the outside, and chaotic ancient relics could be seen everywhere. After years of precipitation, many of them were pregnant with pitfalls.
Moreover, these dangers are not as clearly visible as outside, hidden in the dark, like the same cold hell snakes looking for flaws, ready to pounce and bite.
At the beginning of the ancient mine, the earth source stones can be seen everywhere, but the source of the gods is the most central, and many of them are uncertain and difficult to capture.
In a chaotic ancient year, Shi Haolai took part of the sacred source, Qin Changfeng had never been there, and he was not familiar with the situation here. Many landforms in the area of ancient mines in the early days of the vicissitudes of life have changed.
Qin Changfeng’s three people are pursuing the fluctuation of the divine source, and they are invincible all the way.
Even if this place is dangerous, the forbidden area of life will become famous in the future, but it is also a relative threat to Qin Changfeng and Xiao Mo.
However, with the deepening and getting closer to the small area at the core of the ancient mine in the early days, Qin Changfeng’s eyebrows gradually wrinkled-a powerful and strange curse force pervaded here, which was illusory and ominous, but it made people self-destruct in the process.
And I am still willing, even though I know that there will be great terror, but I can’t give birth to the slightest resistance, but I feel that I am sublimating, becoming stronger and stepping into the high road.
You can resist the fatal temptation like a moth in the dark.
"The holy father feels a little weird … it seems that there is something to get in." The little peacock also frowned. She can accurately describe the strange feelings of her body and summarize them.
"It’s interesting. I haven’t exercised my muscles for a long time, so someone sent the door." Xiao Mo laughed. She grew up with a good temper
In a moment, they finally reached their destination.
I was surprised to see that in the silence, the crystal clear all around was the source stone with strong aura essence, and the fairy light refraction they brought was amazing, like the whole source stone crystal wall.
If this is seen by the monks outside, it will inevitably lead to a bloody chaos. Just one wall is a huge treasure, not to mention there is another more dazzling and incredible thing in this center.
This is a coffin floating in a lake, which is dark and cold, and many unheard-of creatures’ bones rise and fall in it. Qin Changfeng and the ominous curse they feel suddenly comes from this lake!
In sharp contrast, the floating coffins on the black lake have ancient markings and are full of mysterious words. Even the dust smells more than the vicissitudes of life.
The most amazing thing is that this coffin is crystal clear and purer and more magnificent as the source stone. At the same time, it has a fairy jade that makes people look at it and never move their eyes. Even Qin Changfeng and Xiao Mo are shocked-this is actually a coffin carved from the whole source of God!
It’s a big deal, so the source of the Great God is that Shi Hao never found it once and brought it back to the Peacock Holy Mountain, which is at most half of it.
The black lake and the coffin are extremely old, which obviously does not belong to this era, but it is a bit ridiculous to talk about ancient things in front of Qin Changfeng.
"This coffin is a good thing, but it’s just a little unlucky."
Qin Changfeng rubbed the coffin of Bashen with his right hand, but who gets the coffin of a normal person? It’s not good to lie in it, even if it works, I don’t feel a little diaphragmatic in my heart
And even it’s not very good to collect-it’s like if someone at home accidentally breaks his leg and buys a crutch, he must throw it away as soon as his leg is ready, otherwise why stay at home and wait for the second leg to break?
So if you take this coffin, are you waiting to die?
When Qin Changfeng was whispering in his heart, Xiao Mo’s note was in the lake.

After entering this Li Jiatian’s mind, Gao Cai was relieved and relieved. Then, the mind turned into a golden dragon and Li Shimin was slowly attracted.

At this time, Li Shimin, who was sleeping, suddenly found himself in front of a golden dragon with a terrible expression and five claws. He couldn’t help but look surprised and then shook himself up. He looked at this golden dragon with five claws with a little curiosity.
"Dragon King of Qiantang River has seen the Emperor of Tang Dynasty"
Looking at Li Shimin’s talent, the dragon king dressed in a golden yellow robe said to Li Shimin.
"Are you the Dragon King of Qiantang River? See the king in your dream? Can you have something important? "
Surprised after Li Shimin also calm to puzzled asked.
"The king wants to ask Ren Huang for the national seal because of his cultivation. If Ren Huang promises the king that the weather on both sides of the Qiantang River will be good, in addition, the king has an official position in the underworld and the opportunity to come back to life. He can also choose whether to take the official position in the underworld after his death or to come back to life again. If he wants to live again, he must abandon all ordinary people’s postures and live if he doesn’t want to, the king can also give a bottle of elixir to prolong life."
In the face of Li Shimin’s high talents, he didn’t bargain, and he directly stated his goals and conditions.
After hearing Gao Cai’s words, Li Shimin looked slightly heavy and hesitated for a long time. He slowly asked, "I don’t know how long the Dragon King borrowed the national seal?"
On hearing Li Shimin’s words, Gao Cai smiled and said, "If you borrow this treasure for half a month and a half, you must return it. It’s a Terran Dingding Device. We can’t make it temporarily. If it lasts for a long time, it will inevitably suffer from the humanitarian force."
The words in the speech dispelled Li Shimin’s worries and made Li Shimin not worry about anything.
"Dragon King, I know that you are all monks and immortals, and I don’t know if I can live forever so that I can live forever."
After hearing the loan for half a month, Li Shimin relaxed slightly and then asked with a little hope.
"Please ask the atonement king not to give these elixirs by the method of immortality, and the elixirs are all made by the longevity method."
When I heard that Li Shimin asked himself for longevity, I couldn’t help but look at his face. This Li family enjoys a very rich purple spirit, especially because of the belief of the billion people, which still affects the life and death of the billion people. The honor and disgrace are even the key to Dongsheng Shenzhou’s fate. There are many complicated causes and effects, and even saints dare not touch it easily.
If Li Jiatian is immortal, it will affect the causal force of heaven and earth, and the causal force of all things in heaven and earth will make a pick Jin Xian fall into the realm of mortal heaven and man, and no one dares to grant the Terran emperor the immortality law.
If it’s all right in ancient times, at that time, the heaven was undecided, and there might still be a little merit. Even so, the three emperors and five emperors were restricted by the heaven.
This makes Gao Cai dare to grant immortality.
Seeing that Gao Cai’s attitude is firm, his eyes are heavy and his tone is firm, Li Shimin can’t help but dispel this idea. In fact, he has consulted many monks on this issue, but every time he touches this problem, those monks are terrified.
"So I hope that the Dragon King will protect the banks of Qiantang River, and the good weather will be favorable to me. I want to get a chance to come back to life and the Dragon King will give me a panacea."
Wanted to Li Shimin thought slowly said
"In that case, you should listen to your opinions and go to the cloud view outside the city at noon, when many treasures can be delivered."
Said here, the idea of Gao Cai slowly dissipated and ignored Li Shimin’s idea that he wanted to get the national decree, but others didn’t care.
After Gao Cai left, Li Shimin also woke up from his dream and recalled that everything in his dream was slightly disturbed. When he thought of this, he remembered it.
At noon the next day, Li Shimin walked out of the palace with a few confidants and headed for the cloud view.
See the arrival of Li Shimin Gao Cai a blue cassock and hold the body looking at Li Shimin gently track
"Being original has seen the sky. I didn’t know when I met you last night. Remember being original."
Hearing the sound, Li Shimin looked overjoyed and said to the left and right, "I want to talk things over with you all."
Will all screen back Li Shimin look happy toward the talented.
"Wang has seen Ren Huang meet him in his dream last night, but it was a last resort. Please forgive me. This is a symbol of resurrection. I can return to my soul once another day. I hope that you will carefully accept these three bottles because of Chiyangdan and Wang’s accident."
After seeing Li Shimin, Gao Caibu banned the sending of the character seal and Dan medicine
Chapter one hundred and ninety The decree
Looking at Gao Cai’s character seal and several bottles of panacea, Li Shimin’s eyes flashed with a smile. These are the real interests and benefits.

After seeing Xiaoyao, Sangong froze and bent down and got into the car door.

Xiaoyao drove away.
The car was driving at top speed and took a look at Xiaoyao. "My dad arranged it?"
"For your dad to find the administration of friends" Xiaoyao nodded.
"Why don’t you tell me before?" Sangongwen
"He’s afraid you won’t leave."
"If I can go, why don’t I go?" Three fair rhetorical questions
Xiaoyao was asked a little flustered and didn’t answer at the moment.
"Give me the message" Sangong held out his hand "I’ll give my dad a message"
"It’s not convenient for him to meet his friends when he goes out," Xiaoyao refused.
"Give me the message."
"I said he is not convenient now," Xiaoyao repeated with a frown.
"Fuck you!"
Sangong suddenly became furious and turned around, so he had to turn over Xiaoyao’s pocket directly.
Xiaoyao buckled Sangong’s wrist with one hand and shouted angrily, "What are you doing?"
"My dad? !” Sangong cried with tears, "Give me your words."
"Get out. Get out. My horse wants you to call him."
"Still fucking lie to me!" Three stare eyes shouted, "am I stupid? Now that I’m out, can he still be in Fengbei? !”
"You listen to me … things didn’t you want to …"
"Stop fucking saying I want to call him."
"What do you play? ! You are in front of Changji car, and he is already on his way back to Songjiang Road. "Xiaoyao also shed tears at the moment." … Did he go back late? !”
Although Sangong had this premonition in his heart, he was still stunned after hearing Xiaoyao’s words.
Xiaoyao didn’t sell him. Everything was ordered by Lao Xu to Lao Xu. It never occurred to him that he could run out of Songjiang on his own. Since he was wanted, Lao Xu has been thinking of a way out for him.
Why didn’t Lao Xu come back from Fengbei? That’s right. If mistress can’t clean up the mess by herself, he will come out …
Xiao San stared at the windshield and suddenly thought of Lao Xu talking to himself on the river that day. He once said that the worst result was not to come out and give an account to the people himself.
The father, who is nearly sixty years old, may have foreseen the defeat at that time before he went to Fengbei to finish, but that was not trying to bring a chance, but to plan the future for Xiaosan.
light rail train
Lao Xu took the words and said flatly, "… I will give you a satisfactory answer after Xiaosan goes out. Songjiang has engaged in speculative enterprises in my name. Many pigs have fattened up. You can kill me and let the people pay more taxes for two months, but I will give Songjiang no less than 40 million illegal income. I have a conscience."
The other person is silent.
"… the airport and the pharmaceutical factory have to engage in a good project that is beneficial to the development of Songjiang." Lao Xu sighed. "That’s it!"
Hang up after speaking. Lao Xu turned to look at the exhaustion outside the train and closed his eyes.
Three fair callous tears gently murmured "… I’m sorry dad … I failed to live up to your expectations …"
At the same time
Qin Yu received a Wu Di saying, "How?"
"The news came out that Lao Xu came back and surrendered himself. The ICAC people are already waiting for him in the car." Wu Di sighed. "The mistress is not a game between us … Lao Xu changed him himself."
Chapter 6 No pains come.
Lao Xu was taken away by the ICAC for questioning the night he came back.
The next day, the ICAC set up a corruption task force, an economic crime expert group, and jointly set up a criminal crime task force with Songjiang police station, and invited Feng Yunian and Qin Yu and others to participate because they were the main figures in investigating the shooting of Lao Yang and the kidnapping of Director Pi’s family.
But Qin Yu knew that this task force was responsible for finishing work, and he hung up his name because he was injured, and there was no specific reference to anything.
Three days after the establishment of the task force, a large number of Lao Xu officials were arrested, several well-known enterprises in Songjiang were seized, and the bank accounts were frozen, initially locking up more than 40,000 funds involved. However, the money was not Lao Xu himself, but those enterprises that relied on him. In recent years, they have been completely fattened and now they have been slaughtered according to law.