
### 按摩膏使用指南:

1. **清洁皮肤**:在使用按摩膏之前,确保皮肤干净,以避免污垢和细菌的干扰。

2. **取适量按摩膏**:根据需要按摩的部位大小,取适量的按摩膏。

3. **热敷**(如适用):对于肌肉紧张或需要深层按摩的部位,可以先进行热敷,帮助毛孔扩张,使按摩膏更容易渗透。

4. **涂抹按摩膏**:将按摩膏均匀涂抹在需要按摩的部位。

5. **按摩手法**:使用适当的手法进行按摩,如揉捏、轻拍、揉搓等,以促进血液循环和代谢。

6. **按摩时间**:按摩时间一般为5到15分钟,具体根据个人情况和按摩膏的类型而定。

7. **清洁**:按摩结束后,如果按摩膏中含有油脂成分,建议使用温水清洗按摩过的部位。

8. **储存**:使用后,将按摩膏盖紧,存放在阴凉干燥处。

### 按摩膏作用解析:

– **舒缓肌肉**:按摩膏中的成分可以缓解肌肉紧张和疼痛,适合运动后或长时间工作后的肌肉放松。


– **促进血液循环**:通过按摩,可以加速血液循环,有助于减轻疲劳和肿胀。

– **缓解疼痛**:某些按摩膏含有止痛成分,如薄荷醇、辣椒素等,可以暂时缓解疼痛。

– **改善皮肤状况**:针对不同皮肤问题,按摩膏可以选择含有特定功效的成分,如抗皱、保湿、去角质等。

– **促进吸收**:按摩可以增加皮肤对产品的吸收,使护肤成分更有效地作用于皮肤。

– **缓解眼部疲劳**:针对眼部按摩膏,可以缓解眼部疲劳,改善眼周血液循环,减少黑眼圈和眼袋。

– **减肥**:某些按摩膏含有促进脂肪燃烧的成分,结合适当的按摩和运动,可能有助于减肥。


– 避免按摩膏进入眼睛或其他敏感部位。
– 如果皮肤对按摩膏成分过敏,应立即停止使用并咨询医生。
– 遵循产品说明,注意不要超过推荐的使用量。
– 对于特殊人群,如孕妇、婴幼儿或皮肤敏感者,使用前应咨询专业人士。



1. **温补肾阳**:金匮肾气丸能温补肾阳,适用于肾阳虚衰所致的腰膝酸软、畏寒肢冷等症状。

2. **利尿消肿**:对于肾阳不足引起的肾虚水肿,金匮肾气丸能促进水液代谢,改善水肿症状。

3. **治疗腰痛**:无论是因劳损、寒湿还是肾虚引起的腰痛,金匮肾气丸都有缓解作用。

4. **改善口渴口干**:对于因肾阳虚导致的口渴口干,金匮肾气丸能有效缓解症状。

5. **治疗肾病**:对于慢性肾炎等肾脏疾病,金匮肾气丸能够促进肾功能恢复。


6. **治疗阳痿**:对于因性欲减退导致的阳痿,金匮肾气丸有助于改善性功能。

7. **治疗下肢乏力或无力**:对于行走不便或下肢轻度浮肿的患者,金匮肾气丸可以增强下肢力量,消除浮肿。


8. **治疗手足燥热**:金匮肾气丸能消除手足燥热的不适感。

9. **调节内分泌**:对于内分泌失调引起的症状,如尿频、夜尿多等,金匮肾气丸有一定的调节作用。

10. **辅助治疗其他疾病**:金匮肾气丸还可与其他中成药或西药结合使用,辅助治疗如风湿性关节炎等疾病。



1. **减肥与体重管理**:
– 藤黄果中含有一种叫做羟基柠檬酸(HCA)的活性物质,研究表明HCA可能有助于减肥。HCA被认为可以抑制脂肪合成的关键酶——柠檬酸合酶(ATP-citrate lyase),从而减少脂肪的积累。


– 一些研究表明,服用藤黄果补充剂的人群与服用安慰剂的人群相比,体重有所减轻。但需要注意的是,这些研究结果并不完全一致,部分研究显示效果并不显著。

2. **调节胆固醇和脂肪酸**:
– 藤黄果提取物中的化学成分可以调节胆固醇和脂肪酸的生成,有助于维持心血管健康。

3. **促进糖质新生和糖原生成**:
– 藤黄果可能有助于调节血糖水平,通过促进糖质新生和糖原生成来维持血糖稳定。

4. **可能的其他健康益处**:
– 藤黄果中的其他成分,如氧杂蒽酮、二苯甲酮、氨基酸和有机酸,可能对健康有益。
– 有研究表明,藤黄果可能具有抗氧化和抗炎作用,有助于预防慢性疾病。



– **研究结果的多样性**:目前关于藤黄果的研究结果并不完全一致,部分研究显示效果显著,而其他研究则没有发现明显效果。
– **安全性**:尽管藤黄果可能对健康有益,但在服用任何补充剂之前,最好先咨询医生或药剂师,以确保其安全性和适用性。


– **标准化剂量**:目前尚无关于藤黄果的标准化剂量,不同研究使用的剂量也不尽相同。



1. **健脾益胃**:山药、薏米和芡实都具有健脾的功效,能够帮助改善脾胃功能,对于脾虚引起的消化不良、食欲不振等症状有很好的辅助治疗作用。

2. **补益脾肾**:山药和芡实都有补肾的作用,能够帮助强健肾脏功能,对于肾虚引起的腰膝酸软、遗精、尿频等问题有一定的改善效果。

3. **滋阴养肺**:山药具有滋阴养肺的功效,对于肺燥引起的咳嗽、干咳等症状有一定的缓解作用。


4. **利水渗湿**:薏米具有利水渗湿的作用,能够帮助排除体内多余的水分,对于水肿、湿气重的人群有一定的缓解作用。

5. **止泻止遗**:山药和芡实都能止泻止遗,对于腹泻、遗精、遗尿等症状有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **保护胃粘膜**:山药含有黏液蛋白,能够保护胃粘膜,对于胃酸过多、胃溃疡等胃部疾病有一定的保护作用。


7. **降低血糖**:山药和薏米都具有降低血糖的作用,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

8. **美容养颜**:山药薏米芡实粉中含有丰富的营养成分,能够促进皮肤健康,有助于延缓衰老,增加皮肤弹性。

9. **增强免疫力**:山药薏米芡实粉中的营养成分有助于增强机体的免疫力,提高身体的抗病能力。

10. **祛湿除湿**:对于体内湿气较重的人,山药薏米芡实粉有助于祛除湿气,改善身体状态。




1. 富含营养:枙子含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、矿物质和维生素等营养成分,具有较高的营养价值。


2. 抗氧化:枙子中含有丰富的维生素C和维生素E,具有很好的抗氧化作用,有助于延缓衰老、预防心血管疾病。


3. 养颜美容:枙子中的维生素C和维生素E可以促进皮肤细胞再生,改善肤色,具有养颜美容的效果。

4. 抗癌:枙子中的多酚类化合物具有抗癌作用,可以抑制肿瘤细胞的生长。

5. 增强免疫力:枙子中的多种生物活性物质可以增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力。


1. 食疗:枙子可以生食、煮食或晒干后泡茶饮用。生食具有开胃消食、清热解毒的功效;煮食则具有润肺止咳、润肠通便的作用。

2. 药用:枙子具有清热解毒、润肺止咳、健脾养胃、活血化瘀等功效。可用于治疗感冒、咳嗽、咽喉肿痛、便秘、食欲不振、腰腿疼痛等症状。


3. 美容养颜:枙子中的维生素C和维生素E可以用于美容养颜,改善肤色,延缓衰老。

4. 饮品制作:枙子可以用来制作各种饮品,如枙子茶、枙子酒等,具有独特的风味和保健作用。



1. **独特价值**:金丝楠木位居中国四大名木之首,具有“水不能浸,蚁不能穴”的特性,质地坚硬、千年不腐,且散发出幽香,自古以来被皇家垄断,用于制作贵族家具、摆件和建筑。


2. **稳定性**:金丝楠木的木性稳定,木质紧密,不易变形,很少翘裂,这使得金丝楠木家具在长期使用中依然保持良好的形态。

3. **耐腐蚀性**:由于其独特的木质结构,金丝楠木具有很强的耐腐蚀性,即使在地下也能长时间保存。

4. **防虫性**:金丝楠木的木质内含有独特的香味,这种香味具有驱散蚊虫的作用,因此金丝楠木家具具有很强的防虫性。


5. **药用价值**:金丝楠木的香味有助于睡眠,可提高睡眠质量,延年益寿。此外,其香味还有醒脾祛湿、强肾固本的功效,可以舒筋活络、安神静气。

6. **美观与艺术价值**:金丝楠木纹理顺直精美,有金丝状纹理,色泽如金,具有天然的美感和艺术价值。

7. **文化价值**:金丝楠木自古以来就是皇室的御用之材,用于制作宫殿、家具等,具有深厚的文化内涵和历史价值。

8. **收藏价值**:金丝楠木因其稀有性和历史价值,成为收藏家眼中的珍品,具有很高的收藏价值。


in half an hour

The injured person received initial medical treatment in the camp health center and was immediately sent to the garrison division hospital by special bus.
military camp
Cocoa rubber band raised his hair and sat on a bench with his head down, fiddling with his mobile phone.
"… Zhang battalion commander greeted HQ over there, and the doctor is ready. We can enter the operating room as soon as we arrive, and it won’t be a problem." Little mourning came over and said.
Cocoa nodded slowly and then suddenly asked, "Your soldiers are on duty in the compound every night, right?"
"Yes," the little mourning nodded.
"Haven’t you found any suspicious people hanging around the periphery before?" Cocoa asked again
"No," the little mourning words answered in detail, "After we came here, we were all on duty all night according to the requirements of the HQ, and we all paid attention to it and found no suspicious personnel."
"Okay, I get it."
Cocoa picked up the phone and dialed Ruan "Hello?"
"Well, Deputy Director Yu!"
"I have something I want to ask you, uh …!" Cocoa got up and lowered his head to communicate with Ruan.
About an hour and a half later
Cocoa battalion commander Zhang stayed in the newly-built camp after chatting and dialed the phone number of Jia Yan, who was in charge of public opinion fermentation in the old triangle area.
After the words were connected for more than ten seconds, Jia Yanyin rang "Hello!"
"Is it convenient for you to talk?" Cocoa asked 1
"It’s convenient. What’s wrong?" Jia Yan asked 1
"I have something here, please help me inquire about someone." Coco said seriously. "Is there a man named Li Fengren in the old triangle?"
Jia Yan frowned and thought, "There is such a person. What’s wrong?"
"Can you find out where he is?" Kekewen
"This man hasn’t appeared near the Mekong River for a year or two. What do you want with him?" Jia Yan asked 1
"… something happened to me here. A ghost was caught. His face was this Feng Li." Coco said vaguely, "I want to find him urgently. Can you help me?"
"I can try," answered Jia Yansi.
"If you can find him, I’ll give it to you before 3 million!" Cocoa gently charged, "it is best to have a message one day."
"All right, I’ll try." Jia Yan immediately took the job.
"Call me if you have news, that’s it." Coco said and hung up the phone.
"Who is Feng Li?" Small loss at cocoa asked
"It’s also an old man around here, and I don’t know him," Coco said in a low voice. "You call Qin Yu and tell him like this …!"
After listening to the little funeral, I was very puzzled and asked, "I can’t say it well. Why don’t you call him yourself?" !”
Cocoa left his mouth. "He just scolded me. I won’t call him. Tell him."

Hang Yu called Zhao to come over. "Dear Shaquancheng emissary, this is my best subordinate and now deputy Lord Zhao of Barren Valley Town. If you have any dissatisfaction with Barren Valley Town, you can come out to us at any time."

Satsuma looked at Hangyu, then at Zhao. His mouth tugged and seemed to show disdain. "The Lord of the deserted town is really worse than the next generation."
Zhao Hangyu glances.
He has long been aware of the trouble caused by language barrier.
Recently, the Institute has acquired several language skills in the spiritual world from a special trial secret through its own channels, so it can understand the communication between Hangyu and Shamodo, and it is also one of the few indigenous people who can communicate in the spiritual world in Desert Town.
Zhao went to reckon and said, "Is it true that the emissary’s adult also saw that it’s just a fluke that we can seize the deserted town. Now there are no troops left, and we really don’t have any resources as a wandering race. Look at this tax and tribute thing …"
Shamodo said coldly, "The interests of Shaquan City can’t be less. If you don’t have this ability, you don’t deserve to occupy this town!"
According to the standards of the jackal period
The average daily resources of jackals are as follows
1 Total value 15 Bai Jingjing stone
9 copies of grade 21 gray material or equivalent!
Grade 31 white material 3 copies or equivalent!
There is a stone temple in the building of desert valley town, and the materials can be directly sent to Shaquan City through altar sacrifice.
Sacrifice is usually made once every four or five days.
This is definitely a heavy resource pressure.
Otherwise, the jackals occupied the deserted town for less than a year before they built a thousand soldiers.
By exploiting the small lords, the big lords can not only strengthen themselves, but also restrain threats, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.
Hang Yu gave Zhao Shi a look.
I mean, get rid of this guy quickly
Although human beings have the worldly industrial channels, they can quickly restore the vitality of the deserted town and surpass the period of the jackal, but it is not pleasant to think that they have to pay so many resources every day.
Hang Yu can’t be willing to be a Lord of a small deserted town forever.
And human beings, the arrival family, have not yet released their potential.
It’s not like a little deserted town can
Shaquan City will break it sooner or later.
Highlord Kalimlo’s head will be chopped off as a ball sooner or later. What’s the difference between donating a lot of resources to the enemy now?
Of course, too much iron is obviously not enough. After all, people have to bow their heads under the eaves and can honestly follow the rules of the game in this world before they have the power to change the rules of the game.
Can hang Yu believe
There must be some mediation.
Chapter 344 Kai shop again
Now that Zhao has learned the language of the spiritual world through his own channels, he naturally becomes the only high-level person in the team who can communicate directly with other people outside Hang Yu.
such being the case
He’ll take care of Samodo.
Who is Zhao Qian? Chairman of Pengcheng Company
Even if Zhao is not a businessman, he is a famous university with a double degree. Silicon Valley workers returned to China after ten years to start a business. The elite returnees belong to a technical boss, but in the final analysis, it is impossible to be a businessman.
Growing up in a human society, compared with an old slick,
The indigenous people in the spiritual world are all rectum, honest and frank BOY.
Zhao quickly won the favor of Samodo through various means of befriending. He gave a gift of green crystal and some materials and equipment while the iron was hot.
Bribery+flattery both ways.
Shamodo felt a little high.
This race has never been in contact with itself before. Although they are weak, they are very helpful.
"The special envoy for the situation of Haoguzhen is also in the eye."
"Considering your situation, I can plead with Highlord Kalimlo. I only need to pay half of the jackals in the first month."
"But you should also remember that rules are rules. Because of too little service, Shaquan City will at most recognize your status as a Lord, but it will not give extra protection to Desert Town."
The meaning of this statement is very obvious
Samodo can help reduce the offer by half.
But the desert town will also lose the protection of Shaquan City.
During the period of jackals, the strength of deserted valley town was not very strong. How can it develop steadily for a year? Because of the protection of Shaquan City, the big lords forbade the small lords to attack the deserted town.
Lost protection, deserted valley town
It’s really hard to say what situation you will get into.
"As far as I know, the bear goblin Lord Neru Grey Dwarf Lord Golden Hammer and the wild boar Lord Akaya have long coveted the deserted town, especially the bear goblin Lord Neru Desert Town was the territory of the bear goblin clan before the arrival of the jackals."

Looking at the rickety jade bodhi old zu pig bodhi old zu suddenly couldn’t bear to look at the distant jade bodhi old zu with a pair of eyes. "I’m wrong, or how many times are you photographing me?"

"Can’t" Jade bodhi old zu seems to have a thousand pounds of stress hoarse every step.
"Deng Deng Deng"
The pig bodhi old zu came to the jade bodhi old zu and looked at the sad-looking jade bodhi old zu’s face and said, "If my brother is wrong, I can shoot whatever the bodhi old zu wants in the future. If my brother has half a complaint, I will deal with it by the bodhi old zu?"
"Really?" Jade bodhi old zu a pair of eyes looking at pig bodhi old zu is full of hope way
I thought about the consequences of being photographed by the jade bodhi old zu, but look at the face. The jade bodhi old zu has no former vitality. The pig bodhi old zu gritted his teeth. "I think it’s bad luck. Whatever."
"Ha, ha, ha. I knew you had a little conscience."
The jade bodhi old zu was unceremoniously patted on the pig bodhi old zu and instantly recovered. All the sadness disappeared completely.
Looking at the jade bodhi old zu changing so fast, the pig bodhi old zu should have sensed something was wrong even if he was stupid. "It’s not the bodhi old zu … you … you …"
"I what I go bodhi old zu take you to find your little master to play"
Jade bodhi old zu palm can’t catch the pig bodhi old zu resistance and be pulled up instantly.
Looking at the pig bodhi old zu far away, Wang Daoling quietly exposed his head and patted his chest. "Brother Tao, how cherish!"
Words did not fall in a big hand reached out and instantly caught the Wang Daoling.
In the hall, everyone saw this farce in their eyes and said to the sky, "The first godfather is simply a clown. I didn’t expect to be suppressed for millions of years."
"Jiangshan is easy to change but difficult to move" Jade Duxiu is neither salty nor light.
"Can your two brothers stand the jade cat playing?" Tai Su godfather slightly worried way
Yu Duxiu heard that his eyes narrowed. "It is also a good thing to experience more."
After that, Yu Duxiu looked at the distant battlefield with a pair of eyes. "The outcome is about to be decided."
"Bug God" Ghost Master’s figure appears vaguely in Bug God’s abode of fairies and immortals
"Why are you here? Not afraid that Hung-chun will find your trail? " The god of worms takes the nest into the body.
Looking at the main road of insects, gods and ghosts, "Can you turn the world into a million dimensions?" Ghost-dominated road
"Why? Can’t wait? " Worm god casual way
"uneasy in the heart" ghost main road
"Are you afraid that the demon clan will find the door if you are broken?" Worm god smiled.
"You should know that I’m not that afraid of things," the ghost said.
"What can make you feel uneasy?" Worm God looked at the ghost master with a pair of wonderful eyes.
"I don’t know that every time I see the brocade scale, I feel uneasy." The ghost said.
"It turns out that I am just a strong man or something. There are many strong men in all worlds, but I have never seen who you are afraid of." Worm God takes his time.
"Jin scales are not the same" Ghost Lord’s eyes narrowed.
"What’s the difference?"
"reincarnation mark" ghost main road
"What?" Worm god one leng.
The ghost Lord didn’t say much, "Do you want your own insect nest to become a million worlds quickly?"
"I dream of it." Worm God didn’t ask.
"I know that in ancient times, when the beast fell, you should practice in it or put the insect nest in it. It won’t be long before your insect nest will disappear all over the world," the ghost said.
"The length of life is good, but the beast is a unlucky ghost. Can you break the unlucky ghost seal by killing you?" Chongshendao
"No problem" ghost main road
"What if the gods are resurrected?" Worm God worried, "That’s the first god."
"There are so many strong people in the world that it is no longer ancient times. It’s no big deal." The ghost Lord sneered.
"But when the gods are different, one grasps when the other grasps, and no one can stand hiding." Worm Shinto said.
"I can’t care so many dead friends. The immortal being original seat has sensed a smell of coming events cast their shadows before them." The ghost said.
"Well, I’ll trust you once first. Let’s go." Worm Shinto said.
"Just while the race war attracted the attention of all the people in the heavens and the earth, let’s finish the plan." The ghost Lord smiled
At this time, thousands of stars in the large array of the heavens and stars have been broken, and the demon gods are also scarred.
"Will you Terran defeat is set will be so no manners darling will domain to let us out, this time it’s good to be the nether world picked up cheap recruit demon complications is destroyed, the list of gods will also be hit hard? It’s a big deal that you will rob the center of heaven and earth again in one million years. It will be like this. "It’s disgusting to have a bit of unhappiness in the eyes of the fox god. You are doomed to lose your body. The strong man is still so stubborn. Is there any grace?
"Hum what do you know? Is the center of heaven and earth so easy to give up? If it is easy to give the center of heaven and earth to you animals, you are afraid that my Terran fate will be broken. It is beautiful to want to take the middle domain without paying a piece of meat. "It is too easy to sneer at the ancestor."
Chapter 125 Large array of stars solved
It’s not silly for Tai Yi’s ancestor to sneer at all the ancestors. It’s natural to know that the terran domain will be lost now, and all the ancestors didn’t have much hope. However, after the array of stars in the sky, there was a glimmer of hope in the hearts of all the ancestors, trying to compete with all the monsters in the sky. If there were no dragons to disrupt the Terran plan, it might be called perfect. It is only after the battle that the Terran demon race really won’t know that there is no hope of winning.
It’s a pity that the ancestors miscalculated the Lingshan nether world.
The Buddha in Lingshan, the ancestor of many priests, will contain the nether world, but I never thought that there would be no movement at Lingshan Root after the ghost master of the nether world made a move.
Then I miscalculated, and the ancestors made a mistake. The cold man was entangled by four monks in the nether world, or he didn’t want to be involved in this kind of racial war. The cause and effect of racial war were too great for ordinary people to bear.
So the Dragon King of the Four Seas made a move to make a good living, and a list of gods was abruptly damaged. How can the stars and gods be lucky to be damaged in the list of gods?
So there was a flaw in the large array of stars in the heavens, not a general flaw, but a fatal flaw

"Hey? It’ s so powerful! " Lu Li is also lamenting that one can break out with five fu Li, and the strength of the town prison is amazing!

Two people are competing posture is not a comprehensive strength. If Chu Yun displays some tricks, it will be tricky, so he needs posture to resolve this dilemma.
ChuYun light roar a whole body suddenly photochemical blink of an eye is through out from the five operator blockade forcefully out of trouble!
Such a move shocked the land, but it was nothing to say.
And this moment Chu Yun rushed out of the figure suddenly draw out a sword and suddenly turned around, and the reaction speed of the land separation method was cut off!
Impressively, when the reaction is indifferent, the eyebrows are cool, but the figure of Chu Yun is broken and then appears in the distance.
"Master is really amazing. It seems that I lost. What kind of posture did you display at first, Master?"
Facing his brother’s doubts, Chu Yun directly said, "That posture is good. It’s called a carefree tour, but the teacher watched Kunpeng fly nine thousand miles in Xinghai, thus realizing that a posture can cross the barrier to practice Dacheng and leap thousands of miles without any obstacles, even scattered immortals can’t chase it."
"Uh-"Lu Li’s smell speech is also a breath. If he meets some people who are not good at attacking scattered immortals, he will be able to take advantage of the wind, but if he really wins or loses the scattered immortals like a cloud and steals heaven, it’s really unpredictable.
At present, he is in a virtual environment, and there are still too many places to temper.
"Alas," Chu Yun suddenly sighed, which made Lu Li very puzzled. Why did the master always sigh when he was used to being free and easy?
In this regard, Lu Li’s knife-shaped eyebrows picked a mouth and said, "Does Master also have a bad heart?"
Shaking his head slightly, Chu Yun replied, "No, I’m worried about you."
Smell speech is confused direct way "teacher but deduction out? I wonder if you can elaborate? "
The science of uniting to the Lingxu realm can be deduced to some secrets. Of course, it also depends on the chance. Even ordinary Tianxiu can vaguely calculate some future events and get a glimpse of some other people’s disasters or chances. Some people just make some mysterious statements under the guise of fate as if they can really see through fate.
On the contrary, it is easy to get a glimpse of one’s own destiny or that of others. For one thing, he has glimpsed the destiny, and what he doesn’t want to see has been rewritten by himself. For another, the rest of the people don’t want to believe that fate can’t be in their own hands.
Of course, whether you can master your destiny depends on your own strength. For the weak, even if you tell them your future destiny, he may not have the power to reverse it.
Chu Yun bluntly said to the question of Lu Li, "Lu Li has a peerless treasure in your eyes, and at the same time, he has mastered the strange learning of Yin and Yang. This is also one of the reasons why the right path was treacherous and the Taikoo Master and the Emperor even joined hands to deal with you."
Lu Li nodded deeply, and he didn’t understand why he was guilty.
Tone a Chu Yun added, "Secondly, the master of reversing the Heart Sutra and killing the Heart Sutra is the former, but the latter is also an extremely powerful generation in the wild, but the evil cloud magic field is repaired in the wild, but the enemy of life and death is behind the killing of the Heart Sutra, and that one is not killed by the four evil spirits, but is unique! In addition, although the heart-stealing boxing has been modified by a cloud-by-cloud layman, it was originally a shadow killing trick. "
"That unique day is secluded in one side of the Jedi, not to say that it is the Taikoo Sect Master. Even if the three schools of Jin Xian gather in the right way, they will definitely resist him. He will never leave there easily. Think about it. You are a wild monk, a beast god, a dead man, a shadow slayer, and a unique man. And Taikoo Sect Master doesn’t know you well. They know that you are one of the Lu clans and a talented rising star, but they don’t know where you learned all kinds of achievement methods, especially the adventures of Taikoo Sect Brother.
Lu Li listened carefully and was constantly thinking about the words of Master Chu Yun. It seems that he is really young. Many things are inexperienced and bring trouble to people around him. However, how many people can predict the situation like Taishan turmoil and Kyushu War?
The reunion of the separated master often happens inadvertently. For example, this time Chu Yun appeared far beyond the expectations of the separated master.
"After I thought about it a lot, it is still not suitable for you to study in Yunsheng Tianlian, but I have already cut off the hidden information, which I believe will still help you to some extent. It is a lot of effort for the teacher to build your good luck," said Chu Yun.
I’m just about to say it when I’m away from the sorrow fairy mansion, which is to take over Chu Yun’s words. "Master, this sorrow fairy mansion is comparable to the amazing artifact, but it’s a magic weapon for the cave. Since you’ve come back and returned it to you, I believe that the master can get twice the result with half the effort when I’m surrounded by enemies. In addition, I once strayed into a Hanazono Sakura world and met a very powerful expert. My brother guessed that this person should be a powerful person and not a new one. Because he claimed to be a sea area, nine domains, ten countries and one country, the Lord claimed to Brother also made love love love by virtue of the Imperial Dream Sutra, and even lied to himself in the past, which was a fluke to escape from the Shang Dynasty imperial city. "
"Well, this person also needs to deal with people. It seems that he is busy this time." Chu Yun suddenly said to himself.
Chapter one hundred and seventy-three ChuYun worries
It’s not taboo that the ancient emperor of Shang Dynasty is really a strong enemy, or it can be said that if this person gets out of trouble and despises the wasteland, it is the powerful array such as Master Chu Yun or the joint efforts of the four evil spirits that can stop this powerful master.
Slightly raise my hand, Chu Yun motioned for Lu Li to continue this rotation. He came to attack Lu Li and replaced him with a defender.
It took some time to meet Chu Yun, but it was a narrow victory. Although it was a little unexpected, Chu Yun didn’t care. It was amazing to sigh that the speed of cultivation was quite amazing
The competition between the two sides in Chu Yun still holds the wind, and this is only a competition in posture. If it is about comprehensive combat power, even if Chu Yun suppresses the self-conscious master, the gap is still quite huge
"Master, I have a question I want to ask you." Lu Li finally asked.
Chu Yun nodded and said directly, "Master, may I ask who is your biggest enemy?"
This question is very subtle, and it is also quite crucial. After all, at this festival, life and death may be at any time, so it is better to say some words.
Chu Yun bluntly said, "This question is a little complicated and it is really difficult to answer at the moment. If you have to say it, there are two main aspects to confront, one of which is timeliness."
Although Lu Li had some speculation, he still didn’t think that Master Chu Yun would answer like this.
"If duckweed is expensive in the world, it is hard to let go of your fame and fortune in ancient times, just like forgetting the glory of the past and removing all the aura. But the difference between fairy and mortal needs to be well understood. This is when I said that it is the first time to fight. First of all, it is because of everything. Even if it can push forward some future changes, it will be futile if there is not enough fortune. The black hand behind the scenes is manipulating the chess game between heaven and earth. Whether everything is controlled by heaven or destiny, if it is mastered, it can be realized again.