
### 营养价值
1. **丰富维生素**:花菜含有维生素A、B群、C、E和U,以及多种矿物质如钙、磷、铁等。
2. **蛋白质与碳水化合物**:花菜含有适量的蛋白质和碳水化合物,有助于身体能量供应。
3. **食物纤维**:富含食物纤维,有助于消化系统的健康,预防便秘。

### 养生益处
1. **增强免疫力**:花菜中的维生素C能增强人体抵抗力,预防感冒和其他疾病。
2. **保护视力**:丰富的维生素A有助于维护视力健康。
3. **促进生长**:儿童常吃花菜有助于生长发育,维持牙齿和骨骼的正常。
4. **调节肝脏功能**:花菜中的维生素C和矿物质有助于肝脏解毒,提高肝脏功能。
5. **预防癌症**:花菜含有吲哚衍生物和萝卜子素等抗癌物质,可降低乳腺癌、直肠癌及胃癌的发病几率。
6. **美容养颜**:花菜中的维生素C和E有助于美白肌肤,预防衰老。
7. **改善消化系统**:花菜中的食物纤维有助于消化,预防胃溃疡和十二指肠溃疡。


8. **预防心血管疾病**:花菜中的类黄酮是血管清理剂,可降低心脏病与中风的危险。
9. **利尿消肿**:花菜具有清热、利尿的功效,有助于消除水肿。
10. **促进骨骼健康**:花菜中的钙和磷有助于维持骨骼健康。

### 适用人群
– 免疫力低下者
– 心血管病患者
– 想要增强抵抗力、预防疾病的人群
– 儿童和青少年
– 消化系统有问题的人群


### 食用建议



1. **表彰对象**:效能荣耀奖的获得者往往是那些在技术、管理、创新等方面表现出色的个人或团队。

2. **评价标准**:这类奖项的评选标准通常涉及效能、效率、创新、成果等多个维度,确保获奖者真正具备卓越的表现。

3. **行业认可**:效能荣耀奖往往代表了行业内的最高荣誉之一,获奖者通常能在行业内获得较高的声誉。


4. **推动发展**:设立效能荣耀奖的目的之一是激励更多的企业和个人追求卓越,从而推动整个行业或领域的发展。


– **蓝思科技荣获荣耀最高奖项“金牌供应商奖”**:蓝思科技因其四个季度全A的成绩和在项目质量标准、交付能力等方面的出色表现而获得该奖项。
– **华为云AI先锋奖**:该奖项表彰在AI领域有杰出贡献的个人或团队,涵盖了技术创新、应用实践等多个方面。
– **镝数科技荣获2023第六届数字金融创新大赛“全场荣耀奖”**:镝数科技因其金融行业智能数据可视化营销平台在数据分析、可视化等方面的创新应用而获得此奖项。



1. **滋补养颜**:猪脚含有丰富的胶原蛋白,能够滋润肌肤,减少皮肤皱纹,有助于美容养颜。花生中的蛋白质、不饱和脂肪酸、维生素E等成分,同样对皮肤健康有益。

2. **催乳作用**:对于哺乳期妇女来说,花生猪脚汤是一个很好的选择。猪蹄具有通乳脉的作用,能够促进乳汁分泌,对产后恢复和哺乳都有积极作用。


3. **增强免疫力**:花生含有丰富的维生素和微量元素,如维生素E、钙、镁、锌、硒等,这些成分有助于增强人体免疫力,预防疾病。

4. **促进血液循环**:花生猪脚汤中的猪脚和花生都有助于促进血液循环,对于血液循环不畅、手脚冰凉的人群尤其有益。

5. **调节睡眠**:花生猪脚汤中的一些成分,如花生中的B族维生素,有助于改善睡眠质量,对于失眠多梦有缓解作用。


6. **抗衰老**:花生中的维生素E和其他抗氧化成分能够帮助抵抗自由基,延缓衰老过程。

7. **营养补充**:花生猪脚汤富含蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物以及多种微量元素,可以为人体提供全面的营养,有助于身体的新陈代谢。

8. **辅助治疗**:花生猪脚汤对一些疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用,如对消化道出血、失血休克及缺血性脑病等有一定的缓解效果。

9. **适合人群广泛**:花生猪脚汤适合各个年龄段的人群,特别是对于产后恢复、身体虚弱、皮肤干燥、需要增强免疫力的人群尤为适宜。



1. **丰富的维生素C**:包心菜是维生素C的良好来源,这种抗氧化剂有助于增强免疫系统,促进伤口愈合,以及保护身体免受自由基的伤害。

2. **叶酸**:叶酸是一种重要的B族维生素,对于孕妇尤其重要,因为它有助于预防胎儿神经管缺陷,同时对心血管健康也有益。

3. **维生素U**:包心菜中含有的维生素U对胃溃疡有治疗作用,可以加速创面愈合,是胃溃疡患者的有效食品。

4. **抗氧化作用**:包心菜含有多种抗氧化物质,如维生素E、-胡萝卜素等,这些物质有助于抵抗细胞老化,预防慢性疾病。

5. **增强骨骼**:包心菜含有维生素K,有助于增强骨骼健康,预防骨质疏松。

6. **预防癌症**:由于包心菜中的多种抗氧化物质和抗癌成分,如硫代葡萄糖苷,它被认为有助于降低某些类型癌症的风险。


7. **促进代谢**:包心菜中的营养成分有助于促进新陈代谢,对减肥和控制体重有一定帮助。

8. **美容养颜**:包心菜中的维生素C和维生素E有助于保持皮肤弹性和光泽,减少皮肤色素沉淀,预防雀斑和老年斑。

9. **消化系统健康**:包心菜含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于改善消化系统功能,预防便秘。

10. **其他营养素**:包心菜还含有钾、钙、镁等矿物质,以及少量的铁和锌,这些都是维持身体健康所必需的。



1. **疏散风热**:薄荷性味辛凉,归肺、肝经,具有疏散风热的作用,适用于治疗风热感冒、头痛、目赤等症。


2. **清利头目**:薄荷能清利头目,对于因风热引起的头痛、目赤、多泪等症状有很好的疗效。

3. **利咽**:薄荷具有利咽的作用,适用于治疗咽喉肿痛、口疮等症。

4. **透疹**:薄荷能透疹,适用于治疗麻疹不透等症。

5. **疏肝行气**:薄荷能疏肝行气,对于胸胁胀闷、情绪不畅等肝郁气滞症状有缓解作用。


6. **解热发汗**:薄荷具有解热发汗的作用,对于发热、微恶风寒等风热感冒症状有治疗作用。

7. **止痛**:薄荷能止痛,适用于头痛、肌肉疼痛等症状。

8. **止痒**:薄荷具有止痒的作用,适用于皮肤瘙痒等症状。

9. **消炎镇痛**:薄荷中的薄荷醇等成分具有消炎镇痛的作用。

10. **健胃祛风**:薄荷能健胃祛风,适用于治疗消化不良、腹部胀气等症状。

11. **抗痉挛**:薄荷具有抗痉挛的作用,对于胃肠道痉挛等症有缓解作用。

12. **降低血压、滋补心脏**:薄荷有助于降低血压和滋补心脏。

13. **平缓紧张情绪**:薄荷能平缓紧张情绪,帮助入眠。

14. **保护肝脏和胆**:经常食用薄荷叶做的食物,对肝脏和胆都有良好的保护作用。

15. **杀菌抗菌**:薄荷具有杀菌抗菌作用,常用于预防感冒、口腔疾病等。


– 孕妇、哺乳期妇女、肺虚咳嗽、阴虚发热多汗、血虚眩晕患者应慎用。


– 服用薄荷后,不宜过量饮用咖啡、茶等刺激性饮料。



1. **清热解毒**:忍冬藤具有显著的清热解毒作用,适用于治疗温病发热、热毒血痢、传染性肝炎等疾病。其可以清热凉血,对于热毒引起的症状有很好的缓解作用。

2. **疏风通络**:忍冬藤可以疏风散热,通络止痛,对于风湿性关节炎、筋骨疼痛等病症有独特疗效。


3. **消肿散结**:忍冬藤有良好的消肿散结作用,适用于治疗无名肿痛、痈肿疮毒等症状。


4. **抗菌消炎**:忍冬藤具有抗菌消炎的作用,能够抑制细菌生长,对伤寒细菌等也有一定的控制作用。

5. **治疗肝炎**:忍冬藤对于传染性肝炎有一定的治疗作用,能够减轻或消除病情。

6. **其他功效**:
– **治疗风湿热痹**:对于关节红、肿、热、痛等症状有缓解作用。
– **治疗药疹**:煎取忍冬藤的药液外用,可以治疗药疹。
– **治疗湿疹**:忍冬藤煮水后给宝宝泡澡,可以治疗湿疹。

– **内服**:煎汤内服,通常用量为100-150克,煎煮20-30分钟。
– **外用**:煎取药液外用,可用于治疗药疹、湿疹等。



Bang a loud noise, and everyone saw that half Guanghua chaos and colorful Guanghua emerged from the land. The powerful and fiery three swords and awns were easily defeated by this type of scorpion tail wagging. A thousand magic scorpions were cold and snorted, and a flash of magic shadow came to the front of the land. Blow out directly and attack the land.

Lu Li’s eyes were slightly cold, and suddenly the red shadow, the fairy sword and the light of the sword flashed, and the sword rose to the sky, and his fists were punched together. The shadow of Lu Li’s fists came out like tigers flapping sheep, and suddenly a broken fist broke out in the attack force.
Fists together out of the bullying exception such an attack even when Fang Yunhan even had to temporarily avoid sharpness is inferior to the strength of this thousand magic scorpions.
After all, it’s just an unusual way to cope with recklessness in Tiger Boxing. It’s like a broken kite, falling blood and overflowing. In this blow, the strength of the realm was slightly injured
However, although Lu Li-ren retreated from the attack, he continued to transform the soul into a silver light when he fell at a high speed. It was Lu Li who borrowed the backward force to turn his hand and wave out hope to suppress this magic scorpion.
"Magic sound Xiang!"
Thousands of magic scorpions binge drink an Alcatraz magic tactic, and several stunts are displayed!
Even the arrogant Alcatraz master was surprised to see this silver light.
Although the breath contained in this silver light is not to destroy everything, it implies that all Yuan gods are afraid of power, their eyes are wide open and their hands are full of illusions. When they drink violently in their mouths, the magic sound waves will instantly meet the soul charm.
It turns out that this magic sound wave can stop the soul-killing symbol, and the scorpion never expected that this soul-killing symbol belongs to a very special energy body. Relatively speaking, the magic sound wave is not on the same energy level.
Soul charms belong to fluid energy, while sound waves belong to wave broadcasting. When they meet, they are in peace. The magic sound waves attack the soul charms from the land and pass through and print them on the chest of the magical scorpion!
The magic sound lost its soul like a wing. When he saw it, he was frightened. His hands staggered, and the Yin and Yang two streams turned. The whole person cast out the Yin and Yang method. In the moment of touching the ground, the Yin and Yang method suddenly made a force, and the Yin and Yang two gases lingered out and forced the magic sound wave force to the ground
In order to deal with this magic sound, it can be said that it is a force to promote the yin-yang method, trying to change the direction of this sound wave and pull its strength to the ground
The sound wave force explodes everywhere on the surface of the earth, and its huge sound wave force is like breaking a mountain cone, setting off a dust wave like a monstrous air billow roll.
This blow is so powerful that even the Yin-Yang method is far from being effective, it is also a missile that is shocked at one stroke.
The ground was slightly destroyed by the quilt, and many of them were destroyed by the wave of demons and ghosts, and the moment was gone.
This blow was so destructive that Fiona Fang was as flat as a mirror for miles, leaving a circular pit in its original place.
Half-prostrate from the body is a little unstable.
Compared with the mental shock caused by the thought wave, the shock force of this blow is extremely strong, which belongs to two completely different types
Lu Li’s experience of several wars is also an exception to this magic sound Xiang’s feeling. If he confronts head-on, I’m afraid the body meridians will be scattered.
Half a thousand magic scorpions have a serious face and a strange tone. "I didn’t expect you to be proficient in several methods, and I will send you to the west this time!"
Chapter ninety-nine Strong fighting spirit
Thousands of magical scorpion figures conjure up the pervasive terror posture to work again.
This time, he changed his strategy, and the whole person’s special trajectory ran out, and the phantom was densely covered and interlaced into a dark shadow.
That scorpion’s tail roared like a death mark, and the whole ghost fled and shot at the centrifugal mouth of Lu.
Lu Li nature will not give up easily, barely get up and rotate the whole body at high speed to display the ghost dragon dance posture.
It’s natural to stay away from each other here to speed up the movement and dodge the opponent’s attack like a streamer. It’s the way that the enemy advances and we retreat that temporarily delays the opponent’s attack.
"Send you to the west after the triad!"
Thousands of magic scorpions are adamant and generally want to be divided.
"On the immortal meeting, I was defeated by Brother Fang Yunhan. Can my realm break through the frost this time?"
Lu Li’s heart burst into a fighting spirit, and Zhen Yuan once again condensed to avoid the attack of thousands of magic scorpions, and the sword danced out again.
Sword wind flowing firm but gentle cross
At this moment, Lu Li broke out, and most of them were cultivated in the earth, and the power of the sword shadow was much stronger than that at the beginning.
The peerless sword and awn of the earth danced across the sky, and the rapid circulation was controlled by the land. It only took a blink of an eye to cast a very high temperature on the Yin-Yang method.
This time, through the red shadow fairy sword, Yin and Yang were instilled, and through the magic device, the power of heaven and earth suddenly broke out. The four overbearing sword tactics suddenly shot up and shot directly into the sky when the Yin and Yang sword was in the sky.
"Yin and Yang method sword to destroy ghosts, crack, break and destroy immortals!"
Lu Li’s experience in the heart has consolidated the initial state of experience in mind. At this time, it is relatively solid and there will be no uncertainty.
"Lotus can’t be defeated!"
Lu Li used the strong power of green red lightsaber to forcibly press the thousand magic scorpions while casting the Yin and Yang method, but the whole person quietly fell into another situation.
"Yin-yang method is dry and Kun borrows the law to hide!"
The figure of Lu Li in the sky suddenly disappeared as if it were invisible to the naked eye.
"Three-color lotus hidden in the clouds!"
On the basis of Yin-Yang method, it is even more important to display these three wonders, one or three colors, and the lotus shape and breath are completely hidden. It is definitely a method to detect the unusual master.
However, the thousand magic scorpions are, after all, fairy masters who are more famous than those who eat their hearts and disperse people. If you want to press him head-on, it is extremely difficult.
The only way is to look for opportunities to find that key, just like destroying the body of the ancestor of the cliff.
Raise the whole person with both hands, as if the magic scorpion of the imperial sun were towering over the sky. The momentum has not changed much, but the body magic gas alone will be forced to compete with the sword of Yin and Yang. The four tactics of overbearing, sharp, broken, broken and destroyed in the hands of the magic scorpion are crashing and breaking, and the sword of the earth is broken and dissipated in the sky like gold and iron.
"Are you too timid to fight?"
Thousand magic scorpions love to hunt down the enemy. At this time, the action of leaving the land is very in line with otherness
The magic scorpion’s eyebrows flashed with a strange light, and a strange eye appeared by cracking a gap, which was exactly what scorpion eyes looked like.

Li Suiyun’s heart is clear and tight. Even after the benevolent channel people are ready, they will enter the gods war again. He intends to say so, which also implies that Zhao Gong will not participate in the gods war. He also has his own calculations in his heart. Hum, after Zhao Gong entered my door, I wouldn’t let him participate in the gods war, so I just let others participate.

Ci channel people also know that they have no reason to refuse Li Suiyun, who is their own land after all.
ShiShu thoughtfully for a moment, she took a small bottle of manna and handed it to Li Suiyun.
Li Suiyun smiled, nodded his head a little, and said nothing. Then he drove the cloud to the face, but he seemed to think of something. He said, "You tell Brother Yuan that he and I don’t have much cause and effect, so don’t worry about my brother on the floating cloud island. If there is no big deal, we won’t be bad at explaining things."
When I entered the virtual temple of the floating cloud island, I was not yet established. Three clouds greeted the future, and my eyes were full of eagerness and my tone was extremely eager. "Master, did you ever get manna …"
Li Suiyun smiled gently and nodded, "You are in a hurry, just rest assured." After that, he hurried into the quiet room, and an alchemist didn’t leave the palace on the 11th.
Three clouds rushed out, and Li Suiyun took three clouds to see Zhao Gong without saying much, but when he saw that his complexion was getting more and more gray and his injury was getting worse, he didn’t say much. Then he took out a porcelain bottle, unplugged it, and poured out three crystal-clear Dan medicines, which were green in color, just like three condensed Cui.
Li Suiyun also ordered a glass of clean water, and slowly turned three pills of Dan medicine into a bowl of water that was Cheng Bi green, which made Sanxiao feed Zhao Gong to drink slowly.
Another moment passed, and Li Suiyun drugged a few taste pills again, feeding them to drink, and so on and so forth. After three days, the Duke of Zhao suddenly said, "I feel dizzy, my head is dizzy …" Before he finished speaking, his eyes were already open, so he had to get up and felt top-heavy and untenable.
When Li Suiyun saw it, he sighed slightly. This demon clan secret method is really powerful. Although Zhao Gong was protected, it has already hurt his vitality. If he wants to recover, he will not say much for a while. After a while, he turned away and let Sanxiao and Zhao Gong talk.
Half a day passed, and Sanxiao just held the Zhao Gong to come over. The Zhao Gong obviously knew Sanxiao’s decision, and was also persuaded to see Li Suiyun. He hesitated for a moment, and finally his eyes flashed a little nai and worshipped.
Li Suiyun nodded gently with a smile on his face. He was just about to make them pay homage to the teacher. Suddenly, when da ji left in the future, he said, "Master, Nu Wa is outside the temple."
Li Suiyun was slightly surprised, and his heart moved slightly. Immediately, he sent someone to ask the three people who came in the sky to hold Zhao Gong back and wait quietly.
Nu Wa Niangniang came into the hall with a slight smile on her face. When she saw Li Suiyun, she chuckled, "Brother Dao, we are living happily here."
Li Suiyun chuckled, "Empress laughed, but it’s no big deal to live here after the World War II. When the time comes, I’ll join all the brothers in the world of mortals to prove high."
When the two saints got together, there was a lot of noise, and the two of them sat down. Naturally, a doorman sent fragrant tea to Li Suiyun to greet Nuwa to drink tea. After waiting for a lamp of tea, he laughed, "What happened to the empress?" Empress, don’t scare me by passing through here. Empress and I are just like each other. The landlord empress has something to do. I want to do it, and I will go naturally. "
After listening, Nu Wa Niangniang smiled gently, looked at Li Suiyun, shook her head slightly and sighed, "You are laughing hard, but you are still the same. It is still so difficult for me to talk about things. You say that you can’t do it, and I can’t really get it from you."
Hearing this, Li Suiyun smiled and nodded, "Don’t take words to run on me. If I can do it, I will naturally do it for the empress."
Nu Wa smiled and sighed softly, "Brother Dao, I’m here because of the three Yunxiao sisters …"
Li Suiyun’s eyebrows raised, and his heart was full of meaning. "Empress Mo Yan, these three are my cousins. If you have anything, please tell me."
Nuwa yan mouth light say with smile "your brother, ever word? Have you ever been a teacher? Brother, if you have never paid homage to your teacher, they are not your brothers! "
Li Suiyun listened and sighed gently. Nai tunnel "Empress has something to say, if it makes sense, I won’t allow it, but if it doesn’t make sense, the Empress won’t say it."
Nu Wa Empress was silent. After a while, she just sighed, "The sisters of Sanxiao have excellent bones, and they are quite well-grounded. What’s more, they have been practicing Buddhism since childhood, and they have never been contaminated with any vulgarity. I think you are training in the right day, and you have been thinking of me in your heart, but you want to beg the brothers for the three of them."
Speaking of which, Nu Wa Niangniang hesitated for a moment, then thoughtfully added, "I know that you are also interested in accepting the three of them, but as you know, my dear brother is hard to find, and our door is full of girls. If you meet such a skinny brother, it is really rare to ask you to give up what you have to give up. I just owe you one."
Hearing this, Li Suiyun bowed his head and said nothing. His heart was very clear. The epigraphy theory will shine in any direction. Sanxiao is a talent. It is rare for talents to protect them themselves. It is because of sympathy for their life experience, but also because they are creatable. If they teach their brothers and sisters well, their achievements may not be inferior to Kong Xuan’s.
Now, Nu Wa’s mouth is hard to refuse, and Nu Wa rarely asks for help. Now, she is her ally. If she really refuses, she is afraid that it will have a long-term impact on each other. If San Xiao worships Nu Wa’s teacher, there is nothing wrong with it. On the one hand, Nu Wa is bound to be the opposite of heaven and earth. On the other hand, San Xiao is bound to become Nu Wa’s eldest brother, and in the future.
After getting this section, Li Suiyun gave me a smile and gently nodded, "Empress, in that case, I can’t say what I want to put them in the door. I have a magical power to clear my emptiness, and I was taken away by Empress’s horizontal knife, but I can’t say anything." Speaking of this, he smiled again, cocked his head and looked at Nuwa Empress, his eyes going round and round.
If Nu Wa Empress doesn’t know each other’s thoughts, Li Suiyun is notoriously trying to take advantage. He would rather die than suffer. There is really no way for him to ponder slightly. Nu Wa chuckled, "If you are a real person, if you are willing to give up what you want, I will promise you three things. I will try my best to finish my demon race, although it is weak, but if I really start, it is not too difficult to think about the day."
Li Suiyun nodded slightly and smiled gently. "I appreciate the kindness of the empress, but I didn’t say it. As you know, Yunxiao has not been a teacher, and I can’t decide for them that if they are willing to promise, I will not allow it."
Hearing this, Nu Wa nodded slightly, then looked at Sanxiao and asked for their opinions.
Chapter 55 Gold Chelate Resentment Unhappy Two sides tree enemy better

"So even you are still alive?" JiQiao looked at the girl with black wings and smiled lightly. "Are you happy that she has been torturing you all her life and now she is dead? I don’t kill you, I want you to follow me from now on … "

"Go to hell!" Kuroha angrily rejected a short spear and spun out an amazing thunderbolt to JiQiao.
JiQiao hum a sleeve a stroke was like a shadow black gas burst and attack scattered thunderbolt crashed into Kuroha body Kuroha was wounded, although barely saved her life, in fact, the root is still a legal person to start work that thunderbolt looks sharp but has exhausted her body only residual strength got JiQiao this blow and immediately took the blood to fly down beside Yuan Baoer and Feng Zhixin, although she didn’t know this strange girl with wings on her back, but Feng Zhixin still couldn’t bear to reach out and hold Kuroha in her heart.
"This is your own death!" JiQiao looked at Kuroha said coldly.
In a flash, he rushed to these girls with black gas under his arm.
Suddenly, a burst of brilliance flashed in front of him, with colorful interweaving, forming a mirage-like beautiful scene. Ji Qiao found out what it was for a while, but it was such a delay that the dreamland had involved Kuroha and Yuan Baoer and others and disappeared in an instant.
"Mountains and rivers state map? !” Ji Qiao, after all, worked as an immortal in heaven for many years, and soon realized what a magic weapon it was to save Kuroha and others. The picture of the country was an ancient artifact left by Nu Wa, and it was suddenly made out in the dark, even if he didn’t intercept it.
Looking down, he looked at his chest, slowly overflowing with purple blood, knowing that it was just now that the wind soul was chopped by a purple evil spirit knife when fighting on that hill. Although this wound has threatened his life again, the Candle dragon contained in the purple evil spirit knife is still quite destructive.
"Let’s let them go for the time being!" JiQiao smile in my mind "anyway, they also can’t escape …"
Yin Niang looked at the stars scattered overhead and counted them. What kind of place is this?
The feet are neat and crystal clear. The white jade terrace looks like a huge square. In front of it is an arch with a strange style, and there are several strange buildings made up of stone pillars and boulders. Outside, there are stars shining. If you come to the edge of this square, even your feet are stars.
This land is hanging in the night.
There is still a soul and three souls left beside her, and she has not been recalled. Master is still lying there in a coma, while Master is lying together with the strange girl in white and holding a treasure ball. Now this girl is like a stone statue, and even her dress is stiff on her chest. The branches of Jiqiao have gone through the wound, and her eyes are wide open and there is no color.
Yin Niang crouched down and tentatively stretched out his hand and touched the girl’s body. Although the girl looked like she had been petrified, she still kept her body temperature.
At this time, she couldn’t figure out what happened. At the moment when she was about to die at the hands of Jiqiao, the white girl Baozhu suddenly burst and gave birth to a strong crack, which brought them all here. After coming here, the Baozhu, which had been blown to pieces, returned to the hands of this girl, but this girl never woke up.
Except for the three of them, there was no one around, and the master and the girl were finally in a deep sleep. At one time, the hidden mother didn’t know what she could do. After wandering around for a while, she simply lay up and looked up at Fang’s mysterious star. The little girl was lying on her back side by side with her and the master, which was reassuring, quiet and wonderful. I don’t know that she had an old strange idea of staying with the master and the girl until eternity.
Close your eyes, she enjoys doing nothing but making people feel at ease and happy.
As time goes by, she doesn’t know how long it took until she felt someone moving around her. Then she opened her eyes and turned to look, only to see that the girl in white had woken up and turned her little face to her. It was really strange that she had a fight with this strange girl not long ago. Although she didn’t know what this girl wanted to trouble her, at that time, this girl would have almost killed her if Jiqiao hadn’t suddenly appeared. However, at this moment, they lay face to face and stared at each other. Hidden Niang didn’t want to fight with this girl again, but she also looked at her face.
Although this kind of staring at each other is also very interesting, Yinniang thinks it is necessary to break this silence. She asks, "What’s your name?"
The girl said, "Dance!"
The silence was finally broken … followed by greater silence.
Yin Niang didn’t know what to say at the moment, and this girl named dancer didn’t seem to want to talk much.
This stalemate lasted for a long time before Yinniang remembered what to say, "Thank you for saving me."
I don’t know how to dance, but without her orb, Yinniang believes that she and Master are afraid of being killed by Jiqiao now.
"You saved me first!" There is no emotion in the dance, which seems to be telling a normal fact. She sat up with the orb, and her body and clothes recovered to be soft and not as stiff as they were just now. Although I don’t know what magic it was, Yinniang felt that what she just danced looked like it was petrified because it was her way of healing.
"At that time," Yin Niang hesitated. "What did you want to kill me?"
"Because … robbing the soul without authorization … must die!" As if being awakened by the words of Yin Niang, the tone of the dance changed, and the finger was like a knife and instantly cut to Yin Niang’s throat.
Chapter 32 The dawn of heaven! Revenge!
Yin Niang didn’t expect that she would suddenly start work so close that she couldn’t cope at all.
The little hand stopped in front of her throat. Although her eyes were still the kind of dull dancing face, she slowly smiled and "lied".
Say that finish dance will hand back.
Yin Niang was so scared by her that she almost gave birth to a cold sweat on her forehead. She has got up and walked to the center of the square with the orb flashing, and the stars on her head seem to follow it. The white orb is flying and long enough to reach her hips, and at the same time, she dances backwards. Yin Niang looks at this strange girl and thinks it is an incredible picture reflected in her eyes.
After the starlight dispersed, the dance came to Yin Niang with a treasure ball and asked, "What about you?"
Me? I what? Yin Niang was dazed and then reacted and said, "My name is Yin Niang … Nie Yinniang!"
Nie Yinniang? ! The girl’s eyes widened when she was absent. She cocked her head and thought a lot before gently saying, "I seem to have heard this name, but I can’t remember it."
Really? Yin Niang also got up and looked around and asked, "What is this place?"
The girl’s voice "where I live" is always ethereal, and it feels like she is talking in a dream.
She actually lives in such a place? Yinniang thinks that after many times of analysis, she and Master and Ling Ning feel that heaven and hell are completely isolated in this world, even if they don’t disappear. Otherwise, the root method explains that there are no other immortals and ghosts in this world. However, Yinniang can’t help but doubt this judgment. Now she is in this place, which is obviously not earthly. In front of her, this girl in white is the first and only one who can make the avatar except Ji Qiao and Grandma You Rui who crossed here from the Tang Dynasty.
Thinking that this little girl could fly out of the jade pool with a flying snow sword in her orb, the fairy king wonders about the phantom hidden mother and is not more curious about her identity and origin.
"What about him?" Dance with one hand holding the orb and one hand pointing to the man still lying on the ground.
"He is my master and his name is Soul of the Wind," said Yin Niang.
"Wind Soul?" The dance tilted its head again. "Ah, I’ve heard the name, but … I can’t remember it."
Yin Niang "…"
"So," the girl’s face turned to Yin Niang, and her eyes seemed to have some holes. "Tell me what happened? People who violate the laws of life are going to kill you. Why do you do that? "
Law of life? What is that? Although I’m unfamiliar with this name, Yinniang knows that she said she should call the soul by herself. Although I don’t know what happened in the more than 1,300 years since the early Tang Dynasty, there is no doubt that some rules in this world are very different from those in her previous era.
Anyway, she told the girl what happened slowly, and there was nothing she could do but say it. There was a mysterious place hanging around the star, and there was no one else. She didn’t know how to get away from here at all. The girl stood there motionless and listened, and she didn’t seem surprised at Yinniang’s ancient identity.
Yin Niang said, "We came here to send the master who was born here to the wild land in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, but something went wrong and caused him to fall from a height. We don’t know if there is still hell in this era to call the soul …"
"Oh, I see." The dance is so soft that it’s almost like a breeze. "That means there are two of them now. One of them crossed the previous one and then came back here? That’s easy! "
What is easy to handle? Yin Niang looked at her puzzled.
"What has happened is the change of law. Since your master has crossed it before, he will never die here in the last law of life. This is the paradox when it is irreversible," said Wu.
Yin Niang … Don’t understand.
The dance didn’t explain it, but stretched out a small hand and a starlight shot from the night. Something fell into her hand. She held the orb in her left hand and held it in her right hand. She slowly walked over to the young people and pressed it into the youth body.
The youth moved.
Yin Niang’s heart was filled with joy. Although she didn’t know how to dance, she knew that being put into the master’s body by dancing was the master’s remaining soul. She should call the soul technique to call back the soul. This strange girl reached out and could get it.

Kuai Shi’s father was simply too tight. He knew that Yuan Ying had been blocked, but there was room for further resistance. He was also single and bowed his head slightly to Li Suiyun. He whispered, "I know that I can’t escape justice and seek a quick death."

Li Suiyun’s eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and he snorted, yelling, "Are you still thinking about living well? Really good laugh is me and you, and you can’t want to die quickly, but it is also a luxury. "
After listening to this, Father Chishi couldn’t contain himself. He whispered, "Who are you? Why? I don’t want anything from him. You kelp let me know your name, and let me know who I fell into."
Li Suiyun smiled faintly and said, "It doesn’t matter who you suffer, but the key lies in what you do to attract the wrath of God to The six great divisions in the wheel of karma and reflect on it."
Say and a finger, a little white light, is sealed each other’s mud pill palace, lost each other’s mind, a wave of his hand has been into the The six great divisions in the wheel of karma.
He loves talents very much, and he is a little sympathetic to Kuaishi’s father. He was loyal to the royal family, but he was eventually abandoned. Of course, even for this reason, the royal family should not be involved in foreign countries’ mistakes. No matter how much he retaliates, once foreign countries are involved, things will change.
After finishing a memory in my mind, he has made it clear that Chishifu is therefore an obscure small sect. Who would have thought that the royal beast Sect was actually a small sect that barely landed?
Perhaps the magical power of the imperial beast parcel is too close to reality, perhaps there are too many shadows of witch gates, and in the end, the powerful mountain gate has finally declined.
Li Suiyun sighed lightly. He didn’t say much. He sneaked into Qin Gong again, and saw that Qin Gong was still silent. He smiled and then sneaked into the dream of the king of Qin.
At this time, Qin Wengong was sleepwalking in Shaoyi wild, riding with chariots, roaring with horses, and fighting with Gesen.
Sen’s power was strong, and suddenly the wind suddenly rose, but for a moment, he saw the clouds disperse and returned to his original appearance. However, none of the soldiers accompanying him had ever seen it.
Qin Wengong was frightened, looking for his sword, and hastily held it in his hand, looking for a way at a loss. Suddenly, Lei Zhenzhen was thundered in the sky, but he saw a yellow snake descending from the sky, ending in a mountain peddler’s head like a wheel, belonging to the ground, and ending up in the sky. When he saw Wen Zheng’s words, "I’m the God of Heaven, and I’m the Emperor of the White Emperor, and I’m here to tell you", he left with the breeze.
Qin Wengong was surprised, anxious to find a child, and refused to fall into bed, only to know that it was a dream, although I didn’t know its root cause, but my heart was very confused
Just like that, Li Suiyun didn’t move his hand to dive into the dream of the King of Qin. He wanted to start work, but he didn’t want to see the fairy move slightly. Knowing that Emperor Heaven of Science also took a fancy to the Western Qin, he couldn’t help secretly praising its essence. He was also happy to watch, waiting for Qin Wengong to wake up and the other party to leave.
It is said that Qin Wengong was surprised by this strange dream and couldn’t sleep for a night. He remembered that Bai Di’s words in the dream were becoming more and more confused. The next day, his heart was itching, and he called Taishidun for good or bad fortune.
Tai Shidun is a master of cutting education. Although he learned the technique of Chinese characters, it was difficult to get into heaven, but his technique was the most profound. He took a moment, and immediately said, "White and western colors now make you the emperor of heaven in the west, and you will be blessed by the emperor."
Qin Wengong, who had always known Taishitun’s ability, was overjoyed when he heard what he said. He rewarded Taishitun and immediately called craftsmen, built a high platform in the Ministry, set up a Baidi Temple, nicknamed Chen Zhen, and offered sacrifices to white cows.
Li Suiyun looked at the potential city, and nodded slightly in his heart, but it was a good means. As a result, the Qin Lord didn’t mean to dominate the city. Now it’s up to him, but it’s better to do it too tightly, but he can’t show his own things and lead out Kong Xuan’s talents.
Thought of here, Li Suiyun’s eyes flashed slightly, and he already had an idea. He smiled and thought again, then nodded gently, and then stole out of Qin Dou to find Kong Xuan.
The fifth chapter set the tiger free
Li Suiyun easily sat in the Woods in the suburbs of Qin, and had to say that the ancient ecological protection was better than the modern one. Like all those rural elders who were at ease, he enjoyed the sunshine filtered by the branches and leaves of trees, while scratching his itch. He didn’t know where he got a huge wine bottle gourd, and he drank the thin and astringent village wine without a bite, but he frowned.
Li Suiyun, who is enjoying a rare pleasure, sent out a signal easily. He wants to meet Kong Xuan and discuss everything step by step. He gently took a sip of wine. Although the wine is thin and astringent, it is better than that he can’t drink that fairy wine here! If you find out, wouldn’t it be without being pressed?
And drink a mouthful, is usually drinking this country, all of a sudden, a sword light rushed to the clouds, speed to the extreme, the placement is him.
Li Suiyun’s eyes flashed with cold light, and his heart was angry. He moved slightly to avoid the future, but his opponent was obviously not a simple role. The flying sword actually came to a small angle to maneuver, and he chased after the past without killing people in front of him, and he never gave up.
Li Suiyun’s eyes flashed a cold light, and when he drank low, his wooden staff in his hand conveniently escaped the sword’s edge being struck on the sword ridge.
It’s a mystery how powerful Li Suiyun is, and how powerful Li Suiyun’s blow is. But Li Suiyun’s staff is exquisite, but it makes the flying sword go round and round. The sword is a good sword, glittering and translucent and moist. Although it is a murder weapon, it is not a trace of yoshimitsu.
Flying sword is not only a very thing, but also an extremely precious thing for other monks. At the moment when flying sword was traumatized, I heard that one person had a low drink and my eyes were full of indignation, but the sound was crisp and beautiful, just like Kethleen colliding and listening to the extreme.
Li Suiyun eyebrows a wrinkly slightly, then gently snorted, low drink a way "which girl, so polite, sunny day, incredibly dare to kill people at will, really don’t know little"
After changing the tone, I heard a National People’s Congress shout, "Even Ge is not a good man!"! Didn’t you do a good job in the Qin suburban war a few days ago? But you are brave enough to take away a person’s baby and other means. Have some Jiuli veins actually fallen to this point without being too vicious? "
Having said that, I saw two men left in the future. A tall and dignified monk in a yellow cassock left in the future. He was carrying a big sword behind his back. The head of the sword was not small, unlike the eastern sword, it was like a western savage who would use it.
A monk beside him is a woman, dressed in white, just like Ling Boxian, with a beautiful and touching appearance, which makes people feel pity. She is holding the wounded flying sword in her hand and gently wiping it, obviously caring about this flying sword.
Li Suiyun smiled coldly, his eyes were full of disdain, and then he snorted a sneer. "What kind of fault did I have? If I am wronged, aren’t you wronged others?"
At this point, his eyes were a little cold, and then he snorted gently. He continued to sarcastically say, "If you say so, I am poor. You should also produce evidence to judge without asking. What is the difference between your actions and killing people to seize Dan?"
The monk eyebrows a wrinkly slightly, then low with a snort of light drink a way "I XuanYun since the day of practice, then naturally know what is good and evil as you don’t I see? You’re the only monk around here who didn’t come from you. Is it someone else? "
Li Suiyun smiled gently, with more silk in his eyes. This Xuanyun is really an honest man, and everything is said directly, but it seems that some argue irrationally. If he is going out, he will even be teased.
Li Suiyun is too lazy to pay attention to these two little monks. These two guys are just too righteous to know what a little monk is.
These two guys are probably staying in the gate for a long time. They want to come to their background and have a lot of strength. If not, he would never have such courage.
Eyebrows slightly wrinkled eyes have more silk murder. He never cares too much about each other’s background. The only thing that can threaten him is that there are some saints at the same level. His eyes are getting more and more fierce. Hum, these two guys are so reckless and unlucky. There are probably many people who have been killed by them.
Since there is a little suspicion in the heart, he is more reluctant. With a wave of his hand, a flame rises from the ground. Although the color is bright red, it makes people feel a little strangely colored, which actually makes people feel a little strangely associated. This flame does not seem as hot as imagined.
Li Suiyun sneer slightly, even ordinary people, at this time seems to be able to feel each other’s murder is absolutely murder.
Rao is the master and apprentice who are not afraid of heaven and earth, and they can’t help but feel chilly at this time. Perhaps it is the first time since their debut that they feel so clearly afraid.
Xuanyun felt a little scared in his heart. He took a step back unconsciously, and immediately thought that once he retreated, his female apprentice Qing Yue would be in danger. At the thought of this, he had no courage in his chest and strode forward. The sword behind him immediately flew up and fell into his hands.
Xuanyun’s height is not low, and his body is quite well-proportioned. He is perfectly awake now and deserves this big sword. It is quite heroic. At the very least, it is much more terrible than Li Suiyun’s thin appearance like a stalk wolf.
Li Suiyun snorted lightly, and a trace of emotion rose in his heart. Ya, if I had known it was so cool, I would have made a good skin to show which faction was like this. This pair of stalks and wolves is not as good as my own fat sweat. If it were not for the convenience of Yin people, I would have changed this appearance!
Gently sigh, his right index finger will go out slightly, and he has crossed the barrier in an instant, gently, seemingly inadvertently reaching the other side’s blade.
How powerful and horrible the sage is, except for Li Suiyun, a heterogeneous person, no one can guess one before stepping into the realm of mixed yuan Daoguo. There is not even a sound, and the giant sword has been broken and completely broken.