
1. **平肝潜阳**:蒺藜能平抑肝阳上亢,适用于肝阳上亢引起的头晕、目眩等症状。

2. **祛风明目**:蒺藜有祛风的作用,可以改善因风邪引起的目赤、翳障等眼部疾病,对视力模糊、眼睛疲劳等也有一定疗效。

3. **通乳**:蒺藜能通乳,对于产后乳汁不足的女性有辅助治疗作用。

4. **散结消肿**:蒺藜具有散结消肿的功效,对于瘰疬、肿块等有治疗作用。

5. **调经止痛**:蒺藜对于女性月经不调、痛经等症状有一定的调理作用。


– **多靶点作用**:蒺藜中的有效成分可以作用于多个靶点,如肝、肺、肾等,从而达到平肝潜阳、祛风明目等效果。

– **多成分作用**:蒺藜中含有多种生物活性成分,如蒺藜苷、黄酮类化合物等,这些成分相互作用,发挥整体疗效。


– **多途径作用**:蒺藜的作用机制涉及多个途径,如调节神经递质、改善血液循环、抗炎等。



1. **降火明目**:三炮台茶中包含的枸杞和菊花是其中的关键成分。枸杞富含玉米黄质,有助于保护视神经,减少紫外线刺激,而菊花则具有清热降火的功效,能有效缓解眼睛疲劳和视力模糊。

2. **消除油腻**:三炮台茶中的春尖茶含有多种活性酶类成分,能够促进脂肪和胆固醇的分解与代谢,帮助消除体内多余脂肪,适合减肥和需要控制体重的人群。

3. **补充益气**:桂圆和玫瑰花在茶中起到补充益气的效果。桂圆含有丰富的葡萄糖、蔗糖、蛋白质和铁元素,能补脾养血、滋肝生津;玫瑰花则具有活血化瘀、健脾益胃的作用,适合气血不足的人群。

4. **止咳平喘**:杏脯是三炮台茶中的一种成分,富含蛋白质和矿物质,有助于止咳平喘,对改善肺病咳嗽有良好效果。

5. **抗氧化**:三炮台茶含有丰富的茶多酚等抗氧化物质,有助于抵抗自由基的伤害,对皮肤美容、延缓衰老有一定作用。


6. **解暑清热**:三炮台茶能够清热解毒,帮助身体排出毒素,具有很好的解暑作用。


7. **促进消化**:茶中的成分有助于促进消化,对消化不良、腹胀、腹泻等有缓解作用。

8. **提神醒脑**:茶叶中的咖啡因能够提神醒脑,增强注意力。

9. **辅助降血压**:适量饮用三炮台茶,可能有助于辅助降低血压。



1. 杀虫机理:敌百虫通过抑制虫体胆碱酯酶活性,使乙酰胆碱在神经系统中大量积累,导致昆虫、甲壳动物和蠕虫的神经功能紊乱,先产生兴奋,继而麻痹直至死亡。


2. 防治对象:敌百虫主要用于防治以下害虫:
– 鱼类外寄生虫病,如指环虫病、三代虫病、锚头鳋、中华鳋和鱼鲽鱼等。
– 肠道内寄生的绦虫和棘头虫等。
– 危害鱼苗和虫卵的独眼巨人和蜈蚣。
– 畜禽体外寄生虫,如姜片吸虫、血吸虫、蜱、蚤、虱、蚊、蝇、虻等。
– 家畜胃肠道线虫、猪姜片虫、马胃蝇蛆、牛皮蝇蛆、羊鼻蝇蛆和螨等。


3. 兽用效果:敌百虫片在兽用方面具有以下效果:
– 驱虫:驱杀家畜胃肠道线虫、猪姜片虫、马胃蝇蛆、牛皮蝇蛆、羊鼻蝇蛆和螨等。
– 催产:对妊娠家畜具有催产作用。
– 治疗畜禽外伤:用于新鲜创、化脓创或腐败创的治疗。

4. 注意事项:
– 敌百虫具有低毒性,但治疗量与中毒量接近,使用不当或误食可能对人体和动物造成毒性反应。


– 敌百虫不能与碱性农药混用,对金属有腐蚀作用。
– 使用敌百虫时,应严格遵循说明书或医生指导,注意用量和施用方法。


心草,学名为Ligularia spicata,属于菊科植物,在中国传统医学中有着悠久的使用历史。以下是一些心草的益处解析:

1. **清热解毒**:心草性寒,具有清热解毒的作用,适用于治疗热病发热、咽喉肿痛等症状。

2. **利水消肿**:心草有利水消肿的功效,对于水肿、小便不利等症有一定的缓解作用。

3. **消炎止痛**:心草具有一定的消炎止痛作用,可用于治疗关节炎、风湿痛等症。

4. **抗氧化**:心草中含有丰富的抗氧化物质,如黄酮类化合物,可以帮助清除体内的自由基,减少氧化应激,对预防衰老和某些疾病有一定的作用。

5. **保护心血管**:心草具有一定的保护心血管作用,可以降低血压、血脂,预防心血管疾病。

6. **调节血糖**:心草具有一定的调节血糖作用,对糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

心草,学名为Ligularia spicata,属于菊科植物,在中国传统医学中有着悠久的使用历史。以下是一些心草的益处解析:

7. **改善睡眠**:心草具有一定的安神作用,可以帮助改善睡眠质量。

心草,学名为Ligularia spicata,属于菊科植物,在中国传统医学中有着悠久的使用历史。以下是一些心草的益处解析:

8. **促进消化**:心草具有促进消化的作用,适用于消化不良、食欲不振等症状。



### 杨桃的益处:

1. **维生素C丰富**:杨桃是维生素C的良好来源,有助于增强免疫系统,促进伤口愈合,以及维持皮肤健康。

2. **抗氧化物质**:杨桃中含有多种抗氧化物质,如类黄酮和维生素C,这些成分有助于抵抗自由基,预防细胞损伤。

3. **促进消化**:杨桃中的纤维有助于促进肠道蠕动,从而有助于消化和预防便秘。


4. **低热量**:杨桃热量低,适合减肥或控制体重的人群食用。

5. **利尿作用**:杨桃具有一定的利尿作用,可以帮助排除体内多余的水分和盐分。

### 杨桃的潜在风险:

1. **肾病患者风险**:杨桃中含有一种名为神经毒素的物质,对于肾功能不全的人来说,这种物质可能会引起中毒反应,甚至有致命风险。

2. **过敏反应**:有些人可能对杨桃中的某些成分过敏,表现为皮疹、瘙痒或其他过敏症状。

3. **口腔刺激**:杨桃中的某些成分可能会刺激口腔粘膜,导致口腔不适或过敏反应。

4. **血糖影响**:由于杨桃中含有天然糖分,糖尿病患者或血糖控制不佳的人群应谨慎食用。

### 使用指南:

– **肾功能正常者**:健康成年人可以适量食用杨桃,但应注意不要过量。

– **肾功能不全者**:建议这类人群避免食用杨桃,以防止中毒风险。

– **过敏体质者**:如有杨桃过敏史,应完全避免食用。

– **糖尿病患者**:由于杨桃含有糖分,糖尿病患者应控制食用量,或在医生指导下食用。


– **儿童**:由于儿童可能对杨桃中的某些成分更为敏感,家长在给孩子食用前应谨慎。



1. **养胃促消化**:红茶具有养胃的作用,可以缓解胃部不适,同时苹果中的果胶有助于促进肠胃蠕动,改善消化功能。

2. **利尿消肿**:红茶具有利尿作用,可以帮助身体排除多余水分,减少水肿。

3. **强壮心脏功能**:红茶中的一些成分对心脏健康有益,有助于维持心脏功能。


4. **抗氧化**:红茶和苹果中都含有黄酮类物质,这是一种高效的抗氧化剂,可以帮助预防自由基的损害,降低癌症风险。


5. **改善皮肤**:苹果中的维生素和矿物质有助于改善皮肤状况,减少皮肤问题。


6. **减肥和降低血压血脂**:苹果中的纤维和矿物质有助于减肥,同时也能帮助降低血压和血脂。

7. **消炎和保护胃黏膜**:红茶中的某些成分具有消炎作用,可以保护胃黏膜,对于治疗胃溃疡有一定的辅助效果。

8. **润肠通便**:苹果中的纤维素有助于缓解便秘,促进肠道健康。

9. **清热除烦**:红茶和苹果都有一定的清热作用,可以缓解身体不适和烦躁情绪。

10. **补充维生素和微量元素**:红茶炖苹果能够为身体提供丰富的维生素和微量元素,有助于增强体质。

11. **天然血管净化剂**:红茶和苹果中的营养成分有助于净化血液,预防心脑血管疾病。

12. **天然杀菌抗病毒**:红茶和苹果具有一定的杀菌和抗病毒作用,有助于维持身体健康。

13. **天然减肥塑形**:红茶炖苹果有助于控制体重,塑造完美体态。


It didn’t take long for Ah San to come back, but this time, those trembling Ah San even pushed a woman to come together. When I looked closely, I found that those Ah San pushed the young woman I had seen before who had never been well liked by them.

The group of Ah San stopped at a place ten meters away from me. The old man with scar face saw that I was holding a dagger and looked bad, while his son was lying motionless on the ground. He didn’t rush to check the situation and found that his son was fainted and didn’t become warped. This just called the people to pull their arms and legs and carry it back to the young Indian woman to flow.
"I don’t want the money. Take your woman back." No one spoke until the group of Ah San walked out of the distance. I didn’t come here for nothing. What happened was the feeling be nasty and hurriedly shouted.
Who knows, it’s a good thing that I didn’t shout, but as soon as I shouted, I scared those three guys and ran away in the blink of an eye and disappeared.
The dramatic scene completely confused me, and there was an idea in my mind, that is, why are Indian women so cheap? Three hundred dollars for one?
After a long pause, I finally recovered. It seems that I patted my chest pocket to ask for money, which made the old man misunderstand. I want to ask her for a woman’s wry smile, then I turned and waved at the woman and pointed to the mountain village to let her go back. I came to India to look for the killer of the white wolf, not to ask for flowers. What is it to get a woman to lead first?
Who knows, this woman shook her head after seeing me gesture, and said something, but she didn’t turn around and go back like an Amnesty.
This sentence by a woman suddenly raised doubts in my heart. I turned my head and stared at her. What did this woman mean by that sentence just now? I’m not white, but I’m sure the pronunciation is Japanese. After all, I watched anti-Japanese movies for five years in the army. Although this woman’s skin is whiter than those of Ah San and her facial features are more delicate, she is definitely of Indian descent. How can she speak Japanese?
When a woman sees my doubts and watches her switch to another language, if I hear correctly, it should be Korean. If I was confused before, it is absolutely shocking now. How can there be poor people who know two foreign languages in this slum?
"Are you from China, sir?" The young woman finally spoke a sentence that I understood, although the pronunciation was not very accurate, but it was definitely not the clumsiness of parroting. It was obvious that she should have studied the China language systematically.
"How do you know so many languages?" I admitted my nationality. The fact that this woman can speak four languages shows that she will never be poor. You know, people who can speak four languages are rare even in the top society.
"My name is Kaul Villa and I can speak English." A young Indian woman came up to me with her purse in her hand.
"koala?" I wonder why the Indian name is so awkward.
Koala is a arboreal animal. My name is Kaul Villa, which means Moon Beauty.
"Go back to your moon, I still have things to do." I stretched out my hand and pointed to the mountain village and turned my head to pick up potatoes scattered on the ground. Although I was curious about this woman who can speak five languages, I was very dissatisfied with her guessing Japan, South Korea and China before guessing. This is the border between China and India. She should guess China first.
"Where are you going, sir?" Kaul Villa squatted down to help me pick up the potatoes.
"South" I raise my hand and point south.
"Sir, can you take me with you?" Koala is anxious. The Indian name is too awkward, or koala calls her easy.
I didn’t lift my head. I risked my life to come to India not to learn from Lei Feng. I have to find that guy as soon as possible, kill him and return to China as soon as possible. I don’t care what will happen to Indian women who speak five languages. "Mr. Wang wants you to take me out of here, and I will ask my friends to give you a lot of money." Koala is getting more and more anxious.
"How much will it cost me?" I couldn’t help laughing that this Indian woman tried to bribe a billionaire with a net worth of hundreds of millions.
"Many, many can not work for many years." Koala saw that my attitude had changed and I changed my mind.
"I’m not looking for a job, I’m looking for someone." I got up with a potato in my arms.
"Take me out and I’ll help you find your friend. You need an interpreter." Koala reached out and grabbed me.
Koala’s words made me hesitate because I really need an interpreter. Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to communicate with Indians. Since the Taoist priest who watched the stars and watched the sword came to India with an Indian passport, it would naturally not live in the wilderness. Once I went to the city to find an interpreter, it would be much more convenient. Besides, the leather bag in Koala’s hand made me doubt her identity, and one of her leather bags was made in Italy, which was really expensive, but it was not its value that made me wonder that this leather bag was new last year, which means that it was not long when she fell here.
"It’s less than 200 kilometers from here. Why don’t you go by yourself?" I asked, at the moment, my level of observing qi has been restored to seventeen, and judging the distance is no longer a problem.
"There are wild animals in the mountains," koala said unafraid.
"Then take you, but we have to take a bath before we go …"
Chapter 322 Women’s Suit
Koala obviously misunderstood me, otherwise she would nod her head and not blush at the same time.
In fact, the reason why I let them go after taking a shower is that they are both stinking now. It is no exaggeration to say that although I have long hair and messy body and sweaty body, I can bear it myself, and the koala’s sour body has reached the point where I can bear it. It is conceivable that I am wrapped in a thick bed in summer.
Before I left, I ran back to other people’s potato fields to dig, and those three naturally dared not come out to drive me away again. India is a superstitious country, and my previous show has already caused great shock in their hearts. I have long regarded me as a monster, but I don’t understand their language, otherwise they would have to run out to help me dig.
The two men left the village and looked south. I found another water source according to the water vapor, picked up dead branches by the stream, lit a bonfire and stewed potatoes.
"Go, the water here is not dirty." I turned my back. I worked hard to take her to find another water source because the stream next to the village was too small for people to bathe. The most important thing is that I don’t want Sam to wash his ass to bathe.
"Are there any large aquatic vertebrates in it?" There is a koala sound in the distance.
"Wash quickly" Koala’s Chinese made me frown slightly. She was probably afraid that something in the water would bite her.
Koala saw that my voice was impatient and didn’t dare to be too stubborn. After a while, there came a undressing sound behind him, followed by the water.
To be fair, the temptation of being a normal man still makes my mind twitch, and I can’t help but imagine what a whirling picture is in the stream not far behind me. However, after a while, it was diluted by the appearance of Bai Jiuyu and Wang Yanpei. Bai Jiuyu’s elegant and elegant city, Wang Yanpei’s noble and delicate choice is a hundred times better than that of the sour Indian woman behind him, but even so, the intermittent water behind me still makes me get up and go out to pick up dead branches, stew and steam potatoes, myself and koala in the future.
Because of fear, the koala quickly came back from the shower and dressed.
"Ah," the koala is now dressed up, which surprises me. After bathing, koala is wearing a clean and tidy women’s professional suit instead of the pile of broken sheets. The suit is wrinkled and shriveled, and the bag says that this suit has been put in the bag she is carrying all the time.
"What the hell are you doing?" I wonder when koala changes clothes after bathing. Where does she still have the image of a dusty peasant woman? She is a capable and elegant gold collar.
The koala sat by the fire with her hair in her hands.
"How did you get there?" My eyes are fixed on the suit worn by koala. The dark blue wool of the suit should be autumn and winter clothes.
"Travel and friends separated" koala looked up at me.
"Add firewood and don’t let the fire go out." Koala’s hair is no longer sour, but a kind of woman’s fragrance, which makes me unwilling and afraid to smell more, so I got up and headed for the stream.
In summer, the temperature is high, and the stream is not cold. Earlier, when I climbed over the minefield, my chest and abdomen were abraded. At this time, my leg was healed and my leg injury was not serious, so I really took a good bath before climbing out of the water.
Although the clothes are still so shabby, I am most happy that I am clean. I just saw my breath again in the shower and found that my aura has recovered to the edge of purple. According to the rotation of aura, I can recover to the peak of purple once I break through the purple horse. It’s really the end of the day. I’m in a good mood, humming a tune and going to the fire to dry my dripping hair.
"Which city are you going to in India?" Koala added firewood to the fire and asked
"I don’t know," I shook my head and answered, "God knows where the Taoist priest of the royal sword hid after he got the star-gazing hermetic."
"Do you have anything to say to your friend?" Koala asked
"Who told you I was looking for a friend?" I cold hum said
"You were caught by the police without a certificate because you were going to be repatriated." Lamian Noodles was worried.
The koala’s troubles have greatly changed my impression of her, which means that she really wanted to help me, otherwise she wouldn’t be worried that I would be sent back, but I don’t want to talk to strangers about my trip, and the topic changed. "Do you Indian police also call the police?"
Koala nodded and said nothing, looking at the fire thoughtfully.

After a long pause, Ji Yaoxue added, "I heard that today is the auction meeting of Mo Ling Lian Fang at the beginning of the month. She has already prepared the materials and Lingshi to bid for it."

"so right"
Sunday’s face smiled and said, "You just need to give me your name when you go and look at it and bring it back."
Ji Yaoxue frowned.
I wonder if she always feels that there seems to be another meaning in her father’s smile.
Sunday went on to say, "I’ve seen a good young man in this Mo Ling who is only in his early twenties but has a calm mind and has achieved what he has achieved so far!"
"You absolutely can’t imagine that this ink spirit is a Buddhist monk, but he can forge a pole …"
Ji Yaoxue seemed to feel something interrupting Sunday’s frown and asked, "What do you mean, father?"
Zhou Tianxiao smiled. "Don’t be nervous, Father. No other idea is to let you see what a real tianjiao leader is. Mo Ling is much better than that Su Mo …"
Ji Yaoxue once again interrupted Sunday’s face and shook his head. "I don’t want that flying sword handle, and I don’t want to see any ink spirit."
"Cher, listen to me."
It’s not bad for you to meet this man. Even if you don’t see him, he doesn’t have this fate, so you can still make friends with the first refiner in Zhou, right?
Ji Yaoxue was silent.
On Sunday, Ji Yaoxue said jokingly, "Besides, this flying sword is tailor-made for you. Why don’t you get it and let Mr. Mo personally deliver it to you?"
"There will be an hour when the auction will be officially held. There must be many real people gathered outside the Moling Refiner. Let Bai Yuhan accompany you in the past and have a look."
Jiyaoxue thought for a long time before he nodded his head.
Ji Yaoxue was about to turn away when she was stopped by Sunday.
Sunday seemingly casually asked, "By the way, there is a monk named Su Xiaoning at Qingshuangmen who is an alchemist. I heard that you are not bad. What is her origin?"
Hear’ Su Xiaoning’ three words Jiyaoxue look a change.
Ji Yaoxue glowered and looked excited and said, "Father, I have been disconnected from him for a long time. Why are you staring at the Su family?"
"Father, I said you don’t move the Sioux family! This matter has nothing to do with them! "
Ji Yao’s face was frosty, and she never left Tingyuxuan.
Looking at Ji Yaoxue’s back on Sunday, there was a wave in his heart, and his eyes flashed off.
Ji Yaoxue’s mood suddenly became so excited, and just saying those two words immediately aroused Sunday’s suspicion.
Su Xiaoning?
Su family?
How can Qing Shuang’s younger brother talk to the Su family?
Is there really such a coincidence in this world?
Sunday looks constantly changing, rain or shine.
He always feels as if there is some secret in front of his eyes, and he just needs to pierce the window paper!
On Sunday, as a shock suddenly recalled one thing.
A few years ago, I accompanied Ji Yaoxue to Pingyang Town, Yan State, and the deputy commander of the imperial army came back to report that Su Jia had two daughters.
If this Su Xiaoning is this woman,
Then she recognized her brother in the city …
Chapter two hundred and ninety-one Ten thousand people gathered
Mo ling su mo …
Sunday locked his brow deep in thought.
How is that possible?
Even though the truth is coming out, I still don’t want to believe it on Sunday
In his mind, how did two completely different images finally become one person?
Thinking a little, Zhou Tianshen called out, "Somebody!"
Soon the two guards appeared on one knee and looked respectful and waited for the day.
"You go and call Dai Xu, the deputy commander of the imperial army."
I don’t know about Sue’s situation on Sunday. I’m going to call Dai Xu over and ask again.
When I heard this sentence on Sunday, the two guards looked at each other with a lag, and their faces were reluctant. There was no first time to leave.
"why?" Sunday eyes a horizontal.
The two guards trembled, and one of them hurriedly said, "Report to my King Dai, the deputy commander, has fallen ten days ago and his bones have been found in the dense forest dozens of miles outside the city."
On Sunday, his eyes narrowed and cold light flashed.
Another bodyguard said, "Dai’s deputy commander-in-chief fractured his throat. It seems that he was scratched by a monster claw. The initial judgment should be that he was attacked by a spirit beast."
Sunday asked with an expression, "Is his bag still there?"

"This …"

"Why do you have something to say?"
"no! Please rest assured that General Wang Shendu will report to the Criminal Law Department for justice and strictness! " Then he turned to GuQing way again "GuQing pavilion or trouble you to come with us."
Seeing that the tone of the bodyguard has changed unexpectedly, Xu Bing can feel a little bad. "Everyone can prove wrong in this matter. He was killed by the Huang Haoge, and he deserved it and was too big."
"Miss Xu, this bodyguard is just handling this matter impartially. I believe he will never take sides."
"It’s all Huang Haoge’s fault. It’s just that he provoked Guqing to fight back in self-defense. Isn’t it true that General Wang has such a broad mind and can be scolded in front of others without getting angry?"
Wang Shendu saw that Xu Bingning’s heart became more and more uneven when he defended Gu Qing. "Even if he fought back in self-defense, he didn’t reach the point of drawing a sword and killing people on the spot. If this matter really set him apart, wouldn’t it be a mess for us to meet each other for a little thing?"
Xu Bingning also knows that Gu Qing drew his sword to kill people too much, even if there is a certain reason, he must be to blame, and some people don’t know what to do at the moment.
Seeing that things seem to be getting worse, Guqing suddenly got up again!
His coming immediately attracted everyone’s attention, and everyone thought about what the attacker who dared to draw his sword in such an important banquet venue could rely on to take it off by himself!
After Gu Qing got up, he looked directly at Wang Shen and bluntly said, "Wang Shen couldn’t think that you were still such a coward after you came back from fighting outside for so many years."
When this was said, everyone, including Wang Shen, suddenly changed his face.
No one thought that Gu Qing was actually a provocation to Wang Shendu, a general of Peking University, in front of so many people!
"What did you say!"
"I wonder if you can still afford a sword with this virtue."
"You want to provoke me …"
"It seems that you are really good at everything except scaring people."
The sword worn at the waist of Wang Shendu is instantly drawn out of its sheath and pointed at Guqing!
"F * * king thing I god is in the crusade to the north, you don’t know in which corner hanging out? My merit is you just a teenager can evaluate! Don’t, I don’t know what you’re up to. Tell you that I’m a king and a god. It’s definitely not much harder to kill you than stepping on an ant. Especially now you take the initiative to provoke me and apologize to me immediately. Otherwise … "
Without waiting for him to finish, Gu Qing said indifferently again, "Your sword is not for decoration, is it soft and can kill people?"
"You want to die!"
Sharp sword light instantly cut through the airflow and went straight to the ancient green assassination at hand …
The first volume Meteor Festival The ninth time to resolve
"Stop it!"
Just as Wang Shendu was about to stab this sword, a big drink suddenly came out from behind the crowd.
At this time, Wang Shen has already stabbed with a sword. It is imperative to stop killing Gu Qing for any reason!
It’s that the man who stopped him is too weighty to be provoked now. If he has made a bad relationship because of the ancient Qing in front of him, this man will have a certain influence not only on himself, but also on the future hegemony of the two emperors.
The mood turned sharply. His sword finally stopped after stabbing a finger distance from Guqing’s throat.
"Wang Shendu Pavilion!"
The crowd quickly dispersed, followed by Gu Qing, who should be considered to be born once, and Su Fangyu came out of the crowd.
"Wang Shendu Pavilion is merciful!"
"Turns out to be read pavilion I don’t know read pavilion this is …"
Niansheng bowed his hand slightly towards Wang Shendu. "This ancient pavilion is difficult for a friend to give it to him."
"friend! ?”
I was surprised to see Niansheng actually plead for Guqing to himself. Obviously, it is not Bai Guqing, a young man who has no fame in Wangdu, who is most likely to win the young master of Dandao-blade master Niansheng Climb.
Not only is he not white, but even Xu Bingning, Xu Xiaolin and others are also very puzzled about their attitude towards reading.

Just when everyone was shocked, there was a Taoist with a basket of flowers who came through the night and sang, "The legacy of the Qing Emperor was recited for ten thousand times and rose for three days; Thousands of disasters have been eliminated, and all diseases have been revived. Where are you going? "

The wife saw that the Taoist was strange and replied, "We are going to that mountain, but we can’t get there."
Taoist laughed. "It’s strange that you have to get here. Do you know where this place is and what mountain it is? I tell you that the name Cangwu Wild is Shun Di’s soaring Cangwu Mountain, and that mountain is called Fangshan Mountain. How can you get there? "
Mrs. Nie thought that the origin of this Taoist was afraid of some wonders. She hurried to the carriage to salute her and ask her name. The Taoist smiled and replied, "I can’t remember my last name, but I don’t know when everyone called me Ma Gu, so I called myself Ma Gu."
Mrs. Nie was shocked and thought, "It is said that there is a fairy named Ma Gu in the Chinese Queen Mother. Is that her?"
Although Mrs Nie gave birth to this idea, she still didn’t really believe that she could meet a fairy. Nevertheless, she bowed to Ma Gu and asked, "I was in that mountain ten years ago …"
Ma Gu asked, "Did you go on foot or by bus?"
Mrs. Nie said, "I was desperate to avoid the thief’s tracking and I didn’t have a carriage …"
Ma Gu smiled, "This is it."
Disappeared with the wind
When people saw this Taoist coming, it was as if she had disappeared in the wind, and they believed that she was really a fairy. She knelt down unconsciously to look at the big worship, and Mrs. Nie also woke up and abandoned her daughter Nie Yinniang’s carriage.
She took Yin Niang for a while and saw that Fangshan was getting closer and closer.
Behind them, the night is full of gloom, but Fangshan still emits a faint red light around Xiayun.
Mrs Nie felt sorry for her daughter who wanted to carry her, but she shook her head and whispered, "My mother’s daughter is still walking. The nun said that she can’t take a carriage when she wants to enter the fairy mountain. Wouldn’t it be even more difficult for her to carry her?"
Mrs. Nie took her carefully, and it was about midnight after another hour before they arrived at the foot of Fangshan Mountain. Mrs. Nie was very distressed to see her daughter shaking and her face was horribly white.
At this time, there was another song, and the ethereal and melodious figure approached slowly, but it was still the aunt with a basket of flowers
Mrs Nie was about to talk to Ma Gu, but Ma Gu looked at Yin Niang and was surprised. "Why are you still here?"
Yin Niang was shocked by her question, "Of course I’m still here."
Ma Gu saw that Yin Niang was stopped by Mrs. Nie and shook her head. "Do you need someone to hold her, too?"
Yin Niang spent a stay and couldn’t help but earn her mother’s hand to take a step up the mountain.
Mrs. Nie felt that her daughter had lost her sight at the moment, and she looked around in panic. The night was dark, but where could she find the hidden mother?
Mrs Nie was anxious about Ma Gu, but she laughed. "Your daughter has gone to the mountain. I told you that no matter how wandering the fairy roots are, it shouldn’t be so far. I will also give you a ride."
She took out a petal from the basket, and Mrs. Nie realized that the fragrance had drifted back to the mountainside, and the Taoist temple appeared in front of them. The rest of the place was dark, and only this Taoist temple wrapped in pink clouds covered it in soft red light, ethereal and solemn.
Mrs Nie hastily looked at Yin Niang, who was begging at the entrance of the Taoist temple, but Ma Gu did not know where to go.
The wife is even more convinced that she met a fairy and threw herself on the floor, but she read amitabha, and others hurriedly worshipped her.
Mrs Nie looked at Yin Niang and saw that her daughter looked strange, as if she had thought of something and couldn’t remember anything. She was surprised and asked a few words in her heart, and Yin Niang shook her head and looked a little unhappy.
Mrs Nie led her daughter into the view.
My wife and other people also want to go in, but the Taoist temple is just around the corner, but they can’t get in. They looked at each other and said in a low voice, "I heard that asking for immortals and asking Buddha is also about fairy fate. Presumably, our fairy fate is to stop people from being satisfied here. If we have to break in, we may be afraid of bringing disaster."
Another person also said, "Even this fairy fate seems to be a blessing to Mrs. Nie and Miss Nie. I think we should all wait here and worship each other sincerely. Since this is the fairy mountain, the immortals will hear more clearly if they have any wishes."
So everyone worships each other and mumbles, that is, Pingan Xu is willing to be rich. Anyway, no one dares to ask the fairy to destroy the world, so everyone is happy and there is nothing to say.
Yin Niang followed her mother into the view and saw that the main hall was really next to the Queen Mother, and there were two fairy goddesses, a dignified and graceful one, and Yin Niang looked at the two jade carvings, and the fairy goddesses were so lifelike that she didn’t even pay attention to Mrs. Nie pulling her to kneel.
On both sides of the main hall, dragon beard candles emit cold light, and veils flutter and the wind dances. The candlelight reflects yellow light on the walls of veils and vermicelli, and it is slightly refracted to shine on these two jade statues, which makes them look unusually cold and plain.
A young woman, Ni, came forward. She was wearing a cloak and holding a rosary. Mrs. Nie asked each other questions and then looked at Yin Niang. "Since this young lady is here, don’t you also worship the fragrance of the Queen Mother?"
Yinniang, however, pointed to the two statues of female immortals and asked, "Who are these two?"
The young woman said, "These two are the goddess of the Queen Mother, one is Wang Miaoxiang of Cangwu Mountain and the other is Xu Feiqiong of Wangwu Mountain."
Mrs Nie saw that the girl she saw ten years ago was not the same person, and thought that this place was a fairy mountain. Is she also a fairy? So he saluted the young woman, but said, "Madam, you don’t have to pay too much attention to the poor. Hui Hong is not a fairy, but a temporary caretaker of this Fahua Temple instead of Master."
Yin Niang, although young, was ignorant from childhood and asked, "Master Hui Hong is a Taoist temple and a queen mother, but she is called Fahua ‘an?"
Mrs. Nie quickly said, "It’s not polite to hide your mother."
"It doesn’t matter," Hui Hong said to the girl with a smile. "Although this place is inhabited by Taoist immortals, it is my master and my two Buddhist female brothers, and my master and I worship the pharmacist Tathagata. Although there is a statue of the Queen Mother, it is called Fahua Temple."
Yin Niang thought to herself, "Isn’t it more strange to put the statue of the Queen Mother of the West without worshipping the Queen Mother?"
Hui Hong added, "If Xiao Hao Yue wants to go to the real Taoist temple, he will cross the Fangshan Mountain and cross the Fushu Water. In Yichun Peak, there is a Huangting Temple, which is the former residence of Yaochi Fairy Wang Miaoxiang, but it is not ordinary people …"
Before she finished speaking, a girl’s voice came over. "If others can’t go, she can’t go."